10 Strange Facts Behind the Canadian Truck Blockade, and Why Christians Should Care

In today’s video I’d like to talk about the recently ended Canadian Truck Blockade, known as the Freedom Convoy, and take a quick look at a few strange facts behind those protests.

More importantly, I want to talk about how these protests are just the latest example of a dark force or energy behind so many events over the last couple of years, and an important biblical lesson we can learn from it.

The Freedom Convoy started a few weeks back, making headlines in Canada and was also a cause célèbre among the American conservative media. The protest even garnered a great deal of attention around the world, spawning similar events from Europe to Israel.

The stated purpose of the Freedom Convoy was to protest the mask and vaccine mandates throughout Canada, and eventually led to protesters successfully blocking four different border crossings between the US and Canada.

One of those border crossings was the Ambassador bridge, the busiest international border crossing in North America in terms of trade volume. This bridge connects Detroit, Michigan, with Windsor, Ontario, and was effectively shut down for a few days because of the blockade.

The Ambassador bridge was finally cleared and reopened last week, as well as three smaller US-Canadian border crossings between Alberta and Montana, British Columbia and Washington, and Manitoba and North Dakota.

While the protest seems to be all but over for now, there were a number of strange facts behind the scenes which caught my attention. Especially since this blockade was ostensibly all about protesting vaccine and mask mandates.

First, the Freedom Convoy’s protest against vaccine mandates was actually at odds with how the vast majority of Canadians viewed the vaccines. More than 80 percent of Canadians, and approximately 90% of Canadian truckers, are vaccinated.

Second, the Canadian Trucking Alliance, a federation representing over 4500 carriers, owner-operators, and industry suppliers, stated that many of the participants in the convoy don’t even have a connection to trucking. The International Teamster’s Union also denounced the convoy.

Third, two of the larger convoy-related Facebook groups, “Freedom Convoy 2022″ and “Convoy to Ottawa 2022”, were created by a marketing firm out of Bangladesh. The founder of that marketing firm claimed that he was not paid to create the Facebook groups.

Those two Facebook groups attracted a combined membership of more than 170,000 just days after being started at the end of January. This certainly raises questions about the authenticity of the actors behind the support of the convoy on social media.

Investigative article: https://www.grid.news/story/misinformation/2022/02/11/the-canadian-freedom-convoy-is-backed-by-a-bangladeshi-marketing-firm-and-right-wing-fringe-groups/

Fourth, while some of the participants in the convoy claimed that as many as 50,000 trucks participated, this number was extraordinarily exaggerated. Kingston Police in Ottawa reported that, in reality, only 121 trucks were present, along with 421 passenger vehicles and six RVs.

Fifth, Tamara Lich is referred to as the “spark that lit the fire.” Lich is a leader within Canada’s “Wexit” movement, which pushes for the independence of western provinces. She is also on the radar of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which has flagged her association with the “Yellow Vest” movement, which is accused of racist, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic beliefs.

Sixth, other fringe groups were also heavily represented – from white nationalists to QAnon, all unified behind their opposition to Justin Trudeau. A number of confederate, Neo-nazi and QAnon signs and flags were on display.

Seventh, American conservative media gave the convoy publicity far exceeding the actual size of the protest. Sean Hannity, for example, reported on his website that “A convoy of close to 10,000 Canadian truckers is currently on its way to the capital in Ottawa.” Again, Ottawa police estimated the actual number as 121 trucks.

Other conservative politicians and pseudo-politicians, from Rand Paul to Donald Trump Jr., also publicized the event, deliberately giving the impression that the Freedom Convoy was substantially larger than it actually was.

Eighth, local police in Ottawa received severe criticism for their soft approach toward the protesters. This was in stark contrast to the heavy handed tactics that Canadian police usually employed at demonstrations or protests by indigenous people.

Ninth, some of the more noticeable signs and flags were American and pro-Trump. The irony of Trump’s name being associated with anti-vaccine protests seemed to be lost, but in case you’ve forgotten, Trump actually referred to himself as the father of the vaccine.

Tenth, the Freedom Convoy of Canada has inspired what should be a substantially larger protest in America called the People’s Convoy. This convoy is scheduled to begin in California on Wednesday, February 23rd, and will arrive in Washington DC on March 5th.

There are indications that some participants will take a more direct route to Washington DC, and will actually arrive in time for President Biden’s State of the Union address on March 1st.

While the number of trucks participating in the Freedom Convoy in Canada was greatly exaggerated, there could legitimately be thousands of trucks in the People’s Convoy, and it’s hard to overstate the potential nightmare that might be coming to Washington DC.

The truth about the Freedom Convoy is that, while its original stated purpose was to protest government mandates, it quickly morphed into something much more, attracting fringe groups from all across Canada who shared an anti-Trudeau sentiment.

These fringe groups, from secessionists, to white nationalists, to QAnon, are full of rage aimed at their perceived enemies. And they’re using the banner of “freedom” as a cover for the most hate-filled and delusional beliefs imaginable. The talk of executing their enemies for treason is a common theme.

The entire idea of 10,000 trucks rolling across Canada is a contrived talking point made out of whole cloth by the American conservative media. The convoy has been hyped for political reasons in the United States, primarily by those who can’t wait for Trump to regain power.

If you’ve found yourself supporting the Freedom Convoy, or the upcoming People’s Convoy, I have one message for you: Don’t allow yourself to be played by the media. And I don’t just mean the Main Stream Media, but also the Conservative Media.

The conservative media in America has deliberately ginned up the size of the Freedom Convoy for their own political gain. It’s a common tactic in recent years by both conservatives and liberals, as so many events are hyped to the point where emotions become raw, and each side is at the others throat.

And, more than any other emotion, it’s hatred that they want to bring out of you. Hatred of “the other” is the end game nowadays, and the Freedom Convoy is just one more brick in the wall of profound hatred that is rising all around us.

It’s a Tsunami of Hate that’s fast approaching, and it will soon sweep Donald J. Trump back INTO office. But as the dark energy of hatred seems to grow stronger by the day, in so many different ways, there is a biblical lesson we need to learn as soon as possible.

Here’s that lesson:

Don’t let your love grow cold.

In Matthew 24:12, we are specifically told that love will grow cold in the latter days. But in the next verse, Jesus tells us that he who endures to the end shall be saved. This is directing us, as Christians, to NOT allow our love to grow cold.

That means to NOT participate, support, or align ourselves with people or groups that want to bring out the anger or vitriol in us. Because if we allow emotions such as rage and hate to be at the forefront of our lives, our love does indeed begin to grow cold.

But in Philippians 4:8, the bible tells us that the best way to nourish the love we have inside of us is by focusing on those things that are OF the Holy Spirit.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

By focusing on that which is true and pure and OF the Holy Spirit, we not only make sure that our love does not grow cold, but we will resist allowing the dark energy of hatred to become a part of our lives.

The bible is teaching us to NOT chase after the things of this world, because they will inevitably lead us down the road to perdition. And that road to perdition is lined with people and groups who want us to HATE another person.

Instead, we should be focused on those things that help or nurture others. For it is by doing and thinking and saying those things of God that will ensure that our love does not grow cold, and that we do endure unto the end.

That’s all for today. If you care to leave a comment, please do, and as always, please be respectful in any comment you leave – especially toward those with who you disagree. I’ll talk you guys soon. ♦

This article was based on my YouTube video, 10 Strange Facts About the Canadian Truck Blockade, And Why Christians Should Care

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