Christian vs. Christian: Non-Salvation Issues Are Dividing the Church

Today I’d like to take a minute to talk about a number of comments on some recent videos of mine, and how I believe a lot of us are getting off track by arguing over non-salvation issues. Here’s what I mean.

In recent videos I touched on subjects such as the rapture and signs in the sun, moon and stars. What I didn’t anticipate was the amount of in-fighting I’ve seen among Christians regarding the timing of the rapture or the shape of the earth.

I shouldn’t have been too surprised, though, as over the last couple of years I have seen many comments that flat-out state that someone must believe in a pre-tribulation rapture or they don’t have the Holy Spirit. Similar comments were also made about the post-tribulation rapture.

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Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars: What Does the Bible REALLY Say?

In this video we’ll take a look at what the bible really says about signs in the sun, moon and stars during the end times, and talk a bit about blood moons as well.

Nowadays you can find thousands of videos on YouTube that cover this topic, and many of them tie-in specific things happening in the sky above with, what they say, is the imminent rapture, the tribulation, or other end times prophecy.

In fact, as I’m making this video in mid-June of 2022, there are quite a number of Christian YouTube channels promoting the idea that the return of Jesus is likely over the next couple of months, largely based on what they perceive as signs in the stars above.

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Basic Characteristics Prophesied About the Antichrist (Brother James Key)

I wanted to play this short clip from a video by Brother James Key, as he spends a minute responding to comments that the Antichrist could be the pope or Macron or Kushner, or almost anyone BUT Donald J. Trump. Here’s that clip now.

There are a lot of these type of comments on my channel, as well. The names of Zelensky or Macron or Kushner or Bill Gates or Obama are constantly suggested as being the Antichrist, even though they do NOT fit the actual descriptions we are given in the bible.

Two of the more notable traits of the Antichrist, as Brother Key explained perfectly, are that he will be a vile person with a loud, boastful mouth. This simply could not be a more perfect description of Donald J. Trump.

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Rise of the Little Horn, by Jonathan Dane: An Essential Book for Every Christian

Almost three years ago, back in the summer of 2019, I had a chance to read the superb book “Rise of the Little Horn,” by Jonathan Dane, which many of you who are watching are likely familiar with.

The original book was released in 2018, but recently I had a chance to pick up the revised version, which has a fair amount of additional text added in October of 2021, including a scriptural index.

I’ve only started to read the new copy this past week, but since I often take my time when reading books, I thought maybe it would be best to do a short video about the book now in case any of you are not aware of it.

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The Rapture Will NOT Happen on June 15th, 2022

Like many of you, I occasionally surf YouTube for interesting videos on bible prophecy or specifically about the Antichrist, and occasionally I hear some very good insight and interesting viewpoints that I didn’t consider myself.

Sometimes I’ll run across videos that I’m agreeing with, and then halfway through they start talking about how Trump was chosen by God to lead America against the New World Order, or something similar, and I just have to shake my head in disbelief and move onto the next video.

One subject that I DON’T search for is when the rapture might happen, and that’s because I believe the bible clearly and logically teaches a post-tribulation return of Jesus, not a pre-tribulation. Thus, I’m looking for a LOT of prophecy to be fulfilled before any rapture.

However, I know that a number of you who watch my videos believe in a pre-tribulation or mid-wrath rapture, so I do try to remain respectful of that and avoid getting too preachy about my own beliefs. After all, no two of us would agree on everything.

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Can We Know Who the Antichrist is Right Now? Should We Even Care Who He Is?

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. My channel is now going into its third year with about 110 videos to date, and so now might be a good time to address a couple of the more common objections to the idea that Trump could be the Antichrist.

There have certainly been a wide variety of comments on my videos over the last two plus years, with most people at least open to the idea of Trump possibly being the Antichrist, while others defend him as if he is the epitome of all that is good and righteous.

But today I want to talk specifically about two of the more common objections to Trump being the Antichrist, because these two objections are often used to immediately dismiss the argument out of hand, without further thought or consideration.

Those two objections are 1) “we cannot know the identity of the Antichrist right now since he has yet to be revealed” and 2) “why should we care who the Antichrist is since we won’t be here when he arrives on the scene?”

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