Trump Is Our Savior and Is a Blessing to Us All!

This is just a short video about our savior Donald Trump – and before too many of you watching get upset with me, allow me to introduce you to a nice lady named Barbara who will tell you the wonderful truth about Donald J. Trump.

Barbara is here pictured on the left, and this past Friday on the Happy Hour Special on Real America’s Voice with Ed Henry and Karyn Turk, Barbara read an email she sent to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg:

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Reverse ATMs Helping To Remove Cash in Circulation

There was an interesting story on Axios yesterday detailing how many stores have been installing what are called “reverse ATMs” – which dispense store-value cards in exchange for paper money.

A regular ATM, of course, gives US money when we put in our debit or credit card, but reverse ATM’s do the exact opposite. These machines take OUR paper money and give us a prepaid plastic card in return.

The net result of this is that there is less cash in circulation with consumers, as the average citizen is slowly weaned off of paper money in favor of using a prepaid plastic card.

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Donald Trump and the Unpardonable Sin

In a Truth Social post today, Donald Trump referenced the unpardonable sin, although he seems to define it a bit differently than does the bible. Here is what he said.

“For all of those media fools who say everything was on the up and up with the 2020 Presidential Election, and then go on to report about the 51 Intelligence Agents that wrote a letter spreading Disinformation about Hunter Biden’s famous laptop computer, knowing it was FAKE & TREASONOUS, just days before the Election, you have committed an unpardonable SIN. That election fraud is no different than Stuffing the Ballot Boxes, or any other of the many crimes committed in the 2020 Election. So Sad!”

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Response to iThink Biblically Video

A couple of days ago a video entitled “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?”, appeared on the YouTube channel iThink Biblically. That particular video aims to debunk the idea that Trump could be the Antichrist, and it uses one of my old videos to make its case.

The gentleman on the iThink Biblically channel is named Caleb, who seems like a nice enough fellow, and the video he chose to critique was an older video of mine entitled “Donald J. Trump is the Antichrist – Proof from the Bible.”

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Trump Keeps Praising His 10 Favorite Dictators – Are They the 10 Horns?

In an interview with Tucker Carlson this week, Donald Trump once again demonstrated his affinity for many of the world’s authoritarian figures. This time, the subject was President Xi of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

In this just the latest chapter of his complimenting foreign dictators, Trump didn’t focus on what he perceived as their toughness or how loyal their generals were to them, or even their military parades – but rather on how amazingly intelligent they are.

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