The Honest Truth: Less Lying Improves Our Mental and Physical Health

Did you know that our being truthful is not only the right thing to do spiritually, but by lying less we can actually improve both our mental and physical health?

This interesting bit of news was referenced in a recent article on Axios, which in turn talked about a study from a few years back by the University of Notre Dame.

In that study, researchers asked one group of people to stop telling lies for 10 weeks, while a second group of people, the control group, was to continue as they had done before.

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The Absurdity of Donald J. Trump

In most of my videos over the last couple of years I talked of how the bible gives us many descriptions of the Antichrist, and how – coincidentally – they all seem to match up perfectly with the character traits of one Donald J. Trump.

However, in this video I thought I’d briefly mention a few other traits of Trump that are not specifically related to the bible, but still point out how he embodies and even embraces a number of negative characteristics that the rest of us do our best to overcome.

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The Strange Vibe of the Number 45

You know how you can get a certain song stuck in your head for hours on end, and it keeps popping back up no matter how hard you try to think of something else? This might go on for hours or even days. Ear worms, they call it.

I don’t know if getting a number stuck in your head also qualifies as an ear worm – probably more like a head worm, I suppose, but I do think about the number 45 quite often, at least in comparison to other numbers.

Now, I admit that’s a bit odd, but I suppose if I hadn’t thought about this number a lot over the years my channel wouldn’t be named Antichrist 45.

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Savior of America: The Deification of Donald J. Trump

There’s something curious happening in Trump world, which seems to be a diminishing of the “Make America Great Again” brand and the introduction and promotion of the “Save America” theme.

The “Save America” slogan originally started about a year and a half ago, as Trump established the “Save America” political action committee in November 2020, just days after he lost the presidential election to Joe Biden.

However this year Trump has been holding numerous rallies across the nation, leading up to the mid-terms, with almost all of them being named the “Save America Rally” or some slight variation thereof.

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Trump To Announce 2024 Presidential Run Soon

Several media outlets are now reporting that Trump might announce his 2024 presidential bid unusually early, with a couple of conservative websites stating that it could happen in just a couple of days, on the Fourth of July.

While Trump’s announcement of his 2024 presidential run was originally expected to happen later this year, somewhere around the November mid-terms, he is now said to be concerned that waiting until then will further damage his brand.

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