Good News for Trump as 50,000 Migrants Are Waiting to Cross U.S. Southern Border

This short video is just a reminder that things keep lining up for Trump’s eventual return to power, with the latest example being that the Biden administration will soon be facing a nightmare scenario on the southern border.

This news comes courtesy of a report this morning on Axios, and I’ll just read a few excerpts from the article that should drive home the point of how big a disaster this will be.

“As many as 50,000 migrants are waiting in Mexican shelters for a chance to cross the border, hoping to run out the clock on Title 42, the COVID-era rule limiting entry to the U.S., according to internal documents reviewed by Axios.”

“That’s double the estimate from back in March, when Axios first reported on the government’s preparations for a mass migration event.”

“The administration’s internal data now counts about 8,000 people attempting to cross the southwest border each day — an enormous number.”

“Documents show Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) releasing roughly 1,200 migrant adults and 1,300 family members into the U.S. every day.”

“The documents … show Department of Homeland Security intelligence tracking between 40,000 and 50,000 migrants now waiting in Mexican shelters to cross.”

Now this so-called mass migration event may not happen in a day or two, but it’s certainly going to happen in the very near future – most likely this summer when there’s more clarity on what’s happening with Title 42.

And a scene where tens of thousands of people are crossing the border in droves will not only be a humanitarian crisis, but it will be the lead news story every day for weeks. And it’s yet one more thing that makes the Biden administration look weak or incompetent, or both.

Of course, the weaker that Biden looks the stronger Donald J. Trump appears to many Americans. Especially considering the ongoing issues with inflation, gas prices, stock market jitters, and a world that seems to have gone crazy.

Everything is lining up perfectly for the Vile One to return to power, and when he does you can be certain that he will be filled with great wrath because he will know that his time is short.

Thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

Iron vs. Clay: The 6 Beliefs Fracturing America and Empowering the Antichrist

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. In this video we will take a look at six passionate but divisive beliefs that are pitting Americans against one another, and how many of these divisions are actually serving to help Trump return to power.

And I also want to talk about two bible passages that refer to how the final Beast kingdom will be divided, or partly broken, and how the Antichrist himself will be one who sows discord.

For the record, the purpose of this video isn’t to make a case for which of these beliefs are more Christian, but to instead point out how irreconcilable each side is with the other. More than ever before, the United States is truly a kingdom divided against itself.

So let’s get right into this. Here are 6 specific beliefs that are fracturing America in two, while also empowering Donald J. Trump.

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In the Year 2025: If Man Is Still Alive, If Woman Can Survive

In this video I want to talk about how an old song from over 50 years ago not only had lyrics that were way ahead of its time, but how the song itself seems to strangely resonate with what’s going on today.

Before I begin, I do want to say a quick thank you to Off Grid Desert Farming, who were kind enough to share an old video of mine called “45 Biblical Reasons that Donald J. Trump is the Antichrist.”

The video has received over 17,000 views in just a few days on their channel, which is almost as much as it did on my channel in over a year and a half. So, it’s great to see that a new audience is hearing the case for Trump being the Antichrist.

As you might have guessed, though, Off Grid Desert Farming also received hundreds upon hundreds of angry comments from so-called Christians who not only love Trump, but who will defend him come hell or high water.

Continue reading “In the Year 2025: If Man Is Still Alive, If Woman Can Survive”

Musk Says He Would Reverse Twitter Ban on Trump

So I just wanted to do a quick video about the interview Elon Musk did earlier today, in which he said that he would indeed restore Trump’s Twitter account, once his purchase of Twitter goes through. Here’s a brief clip.

Musk’s statement that it was a “morally bad” decision to ban Trump is quite stunning, and once again portrays Trump as the victim in all of this, a role that Trump loves to play. In Trump’s eyes, if people were only fair to him they’d realize how great he truly is.

Ironically, Trump’s ban from Twitter probably helped him in the long term, at least from the perspective of his supporters, as it only reinforced their belief that Trump was treated unfairly by everyone from day one.

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Trump Will Regain Power and the Far Left Is a Big Reason Why

In this video I want to talk about how the most important factor in helping Trump return to the White House just might be what’s going on with the democrats, and more specifically, the far left.

Because while it’s easy to focus on how the political right in this country is coalescing around Trump in an effort to bring him back into power – an equally and perhaps more powerful force is how far left policies are pushing many Americans away from supporting the democrats.

We see this being played out in real time, as issue after issue is coming to the forefront all at once. And many of these issues not only rile up conservatives and independents, but leave moderate democrats with the distinct impression that their party no longer represents them.

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Clarification on BPV Bible Mentioned in Recent Video

I just want to do a quick clarification on a recent video of mine, as it seems I gave the wrong impression to a number of you, which certainly was not my intention. So, hopefully this short video will clear that up.

Last week I uploaded a video called “New Translation of the Bible Sheds Light on Daniel 11:37 and the Gay Antichrist” in which, as the title suggests, I talked about the mistaken belief that the King James bible says that the Antichrist is gay.

In that video, I mentioned my discovery of the BPV translation of the bible which, according to me, gave a rather unique version of Daniel 11:37. After noticing a few comments about the BPV translation, I realized that I did give a few people the wrong impression.

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The Power of Elon Musk – Is He Destined to Work With Trump?

In this video we’ll take a brief look at Elon Musk, the various companies he owns, and his recent acquisition of Twitter in a deal which should be finalized in the coming months. And also, whether Musk and Trump just might be destined to work together.

Musk is not only the world’s richest man, but he is so by a wide margin. Current estimates of his net worth range from $250 to $290 billion dollars. That’s not only $100 billion more than Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, it’s more money than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined.

Beyond the truly staggering amount of wealth that Musk presently has, he also owns a variety of companies that will influence and possibly even control much of our day to day lives within the next couple of years.

His stable of companies range from SpaceX, to Tesla, to OpenAI, to Neuralink, to the Boring Company, and now Twitter – and they not only use cutting edge technology, but they often blur the lines between human and machine.

Continue reading “The Power of Elon Musk – Is He Destined to Work With Trump?”