The Trump Bucks Scam

In case you didn’t hear about it, we have yet another scam dealing with Trump memorabilia, although this time it’s based on the idea that Trump will unveil a new monetary system in the near future which will make the memorabilia itself worth far more than the purchase price.

This scam is call the Trump Rebate Banking System, or TRB for short, and the sellers have tapped into an audience that believes that purchasing so-called “Trump Bucks” is a sign of loyalty to the former president, and that one day soon Trump will reward their loyalty by making them rich.

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The Glorification of Donald J. Trump Continues Unabated

We’ve almost become immune to how completely Donald Trump dominates the news cycle anymore. His name and image are simply saturated in every aspect of our media, despite the fact that he’s been out of power for over two years.

Beyond just his name and image being seen or heard nearly everywhere, there’s also a much more disturbing trend in recent years – and that trend is the promotion of the idea that the only one who CAN save us is Donald J. Trump.

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