Trump Derangement Syndrome: Why TDS Is More Widespread Than You Think

When Donald J. Trump burst onto the political scene a few years back, his outrageous behavior and bombastic personality dominated media coverage like no one else ever had.

Soon the media began reacting to Trump’s over-the-top style with their own over-the-top coverage to what he said. While Trump’s political opponents on the right attempted to fight back, they quickly withered against this force of nature.

On the left, the democrats adopted the approach of hating anything and everything Trump said or did, in an effort to paint him as this deranged and immature individual who would eventually destroy America.

Trump supporters, seizing on those reactions to Trump by the democrats and the media, coined a new term: TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome. In their eyes, the Left and the MSM could not look at Trump objectively because of how crazy he drove them.

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Riots in the Streets If Trump is Prosecuted? Or Would Biden Pardon Him First?

Over the weekend there was an interesting comment from Lindsay Graham, saying that if Trump is prosecuted then riots will ensue. Here’s a brief clip.

I have to say that I completely agree with Graham on this. There are tens of millions of Americans who are solidly in Trump’s corner, and MANY of them are already outraged at what they perceive as an effort to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

If and when Trump is indicted or arrested, you can be sure that many of those ultra-MAGA Americans will take some sort of action in his defense. Whether it’s riots or large protests or even attacks on government buildings, SOMETHING will happen.

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Trump Brings Out the Hatred in All of Us

There’s an article today on Axios reporting that the National Archives and Records Administration has faced numerous threats in the aftermath of the FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.

This is in addition to the multiple threats that were made against the FBI after the search, as well as death threats against the judge who signed the search warrant. All of which is simply a continuation of a trend where Trump supporters threaten those who oppose Trump.

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Red Wave to Red Rage? New Polling Shows Democrats Gaining Ground on GOP

A number of polls over the last couple of weeks are now showing the democrats with a good chance to keep control of the Senate, and they also now have a realistic possibility of limiting the GOP to a narrow win in the House.

Much of this turnaround from earlier in the year, when republicans seemed on track for a red wave, can be attributed to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, although the slowdown in inflation and lower gas prices is also a factor.

So the question now becomes, will the red wave turn into red rage, as republican candidates across the nation – especially those endorsed by Trump – claim that their election was stolen from them, just as Trump had?

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A Vile Man for a Vile World: The Inevitability of Trump Being the Antichrist

We can easily see that we’re living in troubled times, as droughts, famine and wars impact so much of the planet. And even the way we act toward one another is reprehensible, as simple human decency is now a rare commodity, making our world a truly vile place.

If you’ve spent more than a few minutes in the comment sections of YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, you’ve undoubtedly noticed how quickly people can devolve into immaturity, name calling, racism, and even outright hatred toward one another.

It’s all so ugly, and yet so many of us are also completely hooked on the drama. We have to go online to get into these petty arguments, see what others are arguing about, post our two cents, and – above all else – get our dopamine fix for the moment.

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How Can Trump Be the Antichrist If He’s Fighting Against Evil?

One of the more common questions or comments I’ve received over the past couple of years on my videos is someone asking “How can Trump possibly be the Antichrist when he’s fighting against the evil of this world?”

Now, that’s more of a rhetorical question than an actual inquiry, because usually the person asking that is already convinced that in the battle of good vs. evil, Donald J. Trump is definitely on the side of good.

Often there’s a reference to Matthew 12:26 as well with these comments, in which Jesus talked about how a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Therefor, the logic goes, Trump can’t be the Antichrist because it would mean that Satan is fighting against Satan.

So, let’s talk about this. Can Trump really be the Antichrist if he’s fighting against so much evil? Or, to put it another way, since those who are evil are waging war against Trump, surely that must mean that Trump is good?

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Did Trump Send A Veiled Threat To Attorney General Merrick Garland?

There’s been a few different reports over the weekend that former president Donald Trump attempted to convey a cryptic message to Attorney General Merrick Garland following the FBI raid of his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

According to this story, Trump wanted Garland to know that he had been speaking with people around the country and that they were enraged by the FBI search. “The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?” was the message Trump wanted to be conveyed to Garland.

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Who Can Fight Against the Beast? Conservatives Fall In Line Behind Trump Over FBI Raid

This has certainly been an eventful week in America, as the FBI search at Mar-a-lago has further fractured an already divided country. It’s an iron vs. clay moment, if there ever was one.

The almost universal defense of Trump by conservatives is stunning, but also unsurprising. Trump’s habit of lashing out against any republican who criticizes him has had conservatives fearful of opposing him for many years. Who can fight against the beast, indeed.

And make no mistake about it: it is the FEAR of Trump that permeates through the republican party. Every single conservative knows that if they go against Trump, for any reason, not only will he strike back ten times harder, but his base will come after them as well.

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Trump Remains the Teflon Don After FBI Raid

Conservative outrage over the FBI raid on Trump’s property continues unabated. It is now clear that what happened has actually helped Trump’s political future, as republicans unite behind him, and his base is riled up more than ever.

On the left there is the belief that Trump is FINALLY in deep trouble, and that this FBI raid likely demonstrates that there is another shoe to drop – one that will either prevent Trump from running for office again, or perhaps even put him in prison.

And, just like all the times before when the left thought that FINALLY Trump would be stopped, they’ll be wrong here too. In fact, the exact opposite has happened: Trump has become stronger and more unstoppable than ever before.

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Trump Gets Massive 2024 Boost After FBI Raid

In the fallout after the FBI raid on Monday night, one thing is now abundantly clear: Donald Trump is getting a massive boost toward his inevitable 2024 campaign.

Much of that boost is coming from Trump’s potential rivals for the 2024 GOP nomination, as they are now strongly defending him over the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago, and alleging that he’s the victim of political persecution by the Justice Department.

Conveniently, the fact that Trump has had classified documents in his possession for over a year and a half since leaving office is usually NOT mentioned by those who defend him.

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