Trump Remains the Teflon Don After FBI Raid

Conservative outrage over the FBI raid on Trump’s property continues unabated. It is now clear that what happened has actually helped Trump’s political future, as republicans unite behind him, and his base is riled up more than ever.

On the left there is the belief that Trump is FINALLY in deep trouble, and that this FBI raid likely demonstrates that there is another shoe to drop – one that will either prevent Trump from running for office again, or perhaps even put him in prison.

And, just like all the times before when the left thought that FINALLY Trump would be stopped, they’ll be wrong here too. In fact, the exact opposite has happened: Trump has become stronger and more unstoppable than ever before.

You see, nothing sticks to Trump. He is the ultimate Teflon Don, able to withstand controversy like no other politician. Each effort to take him down actually empowers him with his supporters, many of which will do or say almost anything in his defense.

In early 2021 I made a short video about the reasons that nothing sticks to Trump. I’d like to play that video now. ♦

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