Breaking Bible News: The Antichrist STILL Isn’t Gay, According To New Translation

Hi, everyone. I have some breaking news to report regarding a new translation of the bible that I discovered in recent days. And this new translation comes in very handy in answering a number of comments that keep coming up. Here’s the background on my discovery.

Over the past few weeks a number of my videos have received a substantial increase in views, which I was happy to see. Accompanying those views were many new comments, of course, but one type of comment kept coming up over and over again, dozens of times.

That particular comment was that Trump can’t be the Antichrist because the bible teaches us that the Antichrist is gay. Now, although many of those who left that comment didn’t really know what bible verse said that, they knew it WAS in the bible. Somewhere.

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The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, Part 3: The 7th Head of the Beast

This video is part 3 in the series about the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns. In this part, we’ll identify the kingdom and king associated with the 7th head of the Beast, and consider why it was to last only a short time.

In part two we identified the kingdoms and kings that are associated with the first 6 heads on the Beast. Those are as follows:

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A Brief Email that Sums Up the Persecution to Come

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. If you’re looking for the video about the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, Part 3, that will be coming this Wednesday, the 27th. I’m wrapping it up now and it will be uploaded sometime Wednesday evening.

Anyway, I get a lot of emails through my website,, and I’m not always able to respond to each and every one. If you’ve sent me an email and I haven’t responded, I’m hopeful you’ll understand why.

This short video is about a specific email I received last week, and I think it pretty much sums up the persecution that lies ahead. I don’t mean just for me, but for ANY person who dares to point out that Donald Trump matches the biblical description of the Antichrist.

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The Truth About Kim Clement’s Prophecy of Trump – Was He a True Prophet of God?

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. In today’s video we’ll take a look at Kim Clement, widely referred to as the singing prophet, and more closely examine what he prophesied, and whether he might have been a true prophet of God.

Because there is already so much written about Kim, I’m not going to go into too much detail about his life or cover every one of his prophecies. Instead, I’ll briefly summarize his background, and then specifically go into a couple things he prophesied about.

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The Orb: Worldcoin Introduces a Device That Combines Black Mirror with the Bible

This is just a short video about a story I read earlier this week that really made me shake my head in disbelief. If you haven’t heard about it, it’s called the “Orb” and it’s being promoted by the company Worldcoin, and is connected to their own digital currency.

Worldcoin plans to introduce their own digital currency with the intention of distributing it to every one of the nearly 8 billion people on earth. The currency itself has yet to be released, but in the meantime Worldcoin has come up with the “Orb” as a way to help bring that about.

Worldcoin has what are called “Orb operators” whose job it is to scan people’s irises. In return for allowing their eyes to be scanned, a participant is given a $20 voucher for Worldcoin. Apparently this will help Worldcoin perfect the operation of the Orb.

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Why Evangelicals are Blinded To Trump Being the Antichrist

I want to look at the astounding devotion that evangelicals have toward Trump, even though he has shown himself to be a vile person over and over again.

And beyond that devotion, the majority of evangelicals have demonstrated a willing blindness to the biblical verses that point to Trump being the Antichrist, even though for decades they talked about exactly his type of figure arising on the scene.

Looking at this phenomena a bit closer, we can actually pinpoint 5 specific blind spots that impact evangelicals as a whole, preventing them from understanding that Trump is the Man of Sin we were warned about.

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Preacher Says That Trump Is ‘The Current and True President’, Says He Will Be Back Very Soon

This wasn’t on my list of videos coming up in April that I just did, but I think the topic is worth covering briefly as it perfectly demonstrates the strong delusion going on right now among so many conservative Christians.

Here’s the background: Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Michigan on Saturday night. At that rally, the opening invocation was given by Preacher Rick Warzywak, a Michigan-based pastor who is director of Transformation Michigan.

On the Transformation Michigan website, Warzywak states that “On a Worldwide Scale God fully intends to … raise up a Church, a nation of kings and priests.” This, of course, sounds exactly like the completely unbiblical Seven Mountain Mandate.

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Channel Update: Upcoming Videos for April 2022

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching this quick channel update. I just wanted to give an idea of some of the videos that are on the docket as we approach the quarter pole for the year – which certainly came in a hurry.

Now, of course we live in a crazy world, so there could be a news story or major event during April that pushes some of these back a bit. I’m also not going to put a specific date on these, as I often run behind schedule anyways, so it’s probably best that I don’t.

So in no particular order, here are the next 8 videos I’m planning, and most of these should be done in April:

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