It’s now been just over two years since Donald Trump reluctantly left office, and yet he remains in the headlines on an almost daily basis. Whether attacking his perceived enemies, or promoting himself beyond all measure, Trump simply dominates the news cycle like no one ever has.
Trump is lashing out at levels unseen before, even for him. Several weeks back he even changed his Truth Social avatar to that of his face painted red, white and blue. For those who aren’t getting the symbolism involved, this is war paint, and Trump is going to war.
Tens of millions of Americans are absolutely loyal to Trump, with most of them also identifying as Christian – despite the fact that Trump is the antithesis of everything that Christianity has always stood for. It’s also despite the fact that the bible warned us about a figure just like Trump.
In a previous video I covered 15 bible verses about the Antichrist and outlined how each of those verses perfectly lined up with Donald J. Trump. In that video I also mentioned that there were many additional verses beyond just those 15, which I would talk about in a followup video.
Well, here’s that followup video. Today we will dig deeper into the bible, and not only go over 12 more verses that describe the general attributes and behavior of the Antichrist, but we will discuss how these verses ALSO line up with the former president.
As a reminder, we are looking at all of these verses in totality. In other words, what makes the case for Trump being the Antichrist so powerful is that he matches ALL of the biblical descriptions, not just a few. That is simply NOT the case with any other figure on the world scene.
Before I begin with the 12 additional bible verses, let’s do a quick recap of the first 15 verses I covered in that previous video:
#1) The Antichrist comes in his own name and is accepted by Israel – John 5:43. This verse has been perfectly fulfilled by Trump as he had made a name for himself worldwide before entering politics, and since has not only been accepted by Israel – he’s absolutely beloved.
#2) The Antichrist has the mouth of a lion – Revelation 13:2. This verse is reinforced by Daniel 7:4, and simply could not be a better match for how Trump roars like a lion whenever he’s criticized or if he wants to promote himself in some way.
#3) The Antichrist is arrogant, and magnifies himself above others – Daniel 8:25. This verse is reinforced by Daniel 11:36, and perfectly lines up with Trump’s history of arrogantly glorifying himself in conjunction with denigrating others.
#4) The Antichrist is extremely boastful – Daniel 7:8. This verse is reinforced by Revelation 13:5, and simply cannot be a better match for Trump’s lifelong habit of bragging about himself in almost every conceivable way.
#5) The Antichrist throws truth to the ground – Daniel 8:12. This verse is a precise fit for Trump who was notoriously untruthful for several decades before even entering politics, and his entry into politics single-handedly coined the terms “post truth” and “truth decay.”
#6) The Antichrist denies the Father and the Son – 1 John 2:22. This verse has been perfectly fulfilled by Trump who famously said that he does not even seek God’s forgiveness, thus denying his need to be forgiven by the Father and denying his need for Jesus as his savior.
#7) The Antichrist is a vile person – Daniel 11:21. This verse is a perfect description of Trump’s innate tendency – and even his preference – to spew venom in his attacks on others. His caustic words and actions constantly display a lack of simple human decency.
#8) The Antichrist honors the god of forces in his estate – Daniel 11:38. This is yet another verse precisely fulfilled by Trump, who in his estate at Trump Tower displays images of the god Apollo, which has been long viewed as the sun god and representing the god of forces.
#9) The Antichrist is connected to gold – Revelation 13:18. This verse and its famous 666 points us directly to King Solomon’s love of gold as he became a type of antichrist. Trump likewise has a preoccupation – even an obsession – with all things gold or golden.
#10) The Antichrist is called the Little Horn – Daniel 7:8. This verse and its reference to the Antichrist as a Little Horn is perfectly symbolized by Trump’s own name, which is an abbreviated form of trumpet, the modern version having originated from a shofar, made from the little horn of an animal.
#11) The Antichrist has a covenant with many – Daniel 9:27. This verse tells us that the Antichrist will seek to fashion a treaty between Israel and her neighbors, and Trump once again matches this with his Abraham Accords agreement.
#12) The Antichrist disguises himself as an angel of light – 2 Corinthians 11:15. This verse is perfectly fulfilled in Trump, a man who despite living a sordid lifestyle in every way possible, has presented himself as the great defender of Christianity.
#13) The Antichrist loves money as it’s the root of all kinds of evil – 1 Timothy 6:10. This verse is a precise match for Trump, who has made the pursuit of money his ultimate ambition, and even bragged that he has been greedy for all the money.
#14) The Antichrist is revealed by the falling away – 2 Thessalonians 2:3. This verse tells us that those who fall away from the faith will reveal the Man of Sin. This is exactly what has happened as many Christians have rejected the gospel and embraced someone with precisely the opposite values.
#15) The Antichrist has the ego to call himself God – 2 Thessalonians 2:4. This verse tells us that the Antichrist will be so full of himself that he will claim to be God. There is only one person on the world scene who not only matches the previous 14 verses, but also HAS the ego to think of himself as a god.
So, those are the 15 verses from that previous video. Remember, as I said a moment ago, Trump matches ALL of those 15 verses, so if you still think the Antichrist might be someone else, take an honest look to see if that person also matches each and every one of those descriptions.
But, we’re not done yet. Let’s now go over 12 more verses that talk about the Antichrist, and see how they also line up with Trump. And since the previous video left off at number #15, for continuity sake let’s start these verses off at #16.
#16) The Antichrist is named the Man of Sin – 2 Thessalonians 2:3. In this verse we find the Antichrist referred to as the Man of Sin, or to put it another way, sin incarnate. The sins that the Bible refer to over and over again are those are related to vanity, to dishonesty, to lust, to greed, to envy, and to wrath.
Trump has, in both his personal life and business ventures, lived not only an extremely sinful life by the bible’s standard, but he has actually bragged about his lust, his greed, his desire for vengeance and his inability to forgive.
Trump is not only an extraordinarily sinful man, he has even taken pride in his sinning. He seemingly views his character flaws as badges of honor, as if each sin of the bible were on his personal bucket list waiting to be checked off.
#17) The Antichrist is named the Lawless One – 2 Thessalonians 2:8. In this verse the Antichrist is described as not being constrained by ANY law, whether the laws of man or the laws of God. It’s not that he’s simply a lawbreaker – but that he considers himself to be above the law, or a law unto himself.
Trump’s reputation as the Teflon Don of politics is well deserved. His first term as president saw a myriad of examples in which he not only skirted the law, but was able to avoid any repercussions for his actions. Countless times his opponents thought they had him, only for Trump to slither away.
In fact, the view that Trump felt he was above the law wasn’t wild conjecture, as Trump himself actually stated that Article 2 of The Constitution allowed him to do whatever he wanted. After all, one can’t break the law if one is above the law.
Nixon famously said that when the president does something, it means it’s not illegal. Trump takes it a step further though, and appears to be saying that there is nothing legal or illegal about what a president does because he can do whatever he wants, which brings us to the next verse.
#18) The Antichrist does as he pleases – Daniel 11:36. In this verse the Antichrist is described as doing whatever he wishes, and it expands upon him being the Lawless One. He will not feel restrained by law, tradition, or etiquette, but will simply say or do as he wants whenever he feels like it.
From the moment Trump came down the escalator to announce his candidacy back in 2015, a large part of his appeal has been his willingness to shoot from the lip. To say whatever he wants, without caring if he’s politically correct, who he might be insulting, or even if what he says is true.
But even before getting involved in politics, Trump’s personal life was all about doing as he pleases. This trait of his simply carried over into his time in the White House. It just comes naturally for him. And Trump’s natural desire to do as he pleases leads us directly into the next verse.
#19) The Antichrist works deceitfully – Daniel 11:23. This verse is reinforced by Daniel 8:25, and these two verses together tell us that the Antichrist’s modus operandi – or habits of working – are filled with deceit. Deceptiveness is simply part and parcel of how he operates.
Trump’s reputation for being deceptive was a known fact long before he became president. Everything from silly small things like pretending to be someone else on the phone in order to laud himself, to the larger, more serious issues of grossly misrepresenting the value of his properties on loan applications.
In fact, his deceptiveness was so pervasive that even his own bankruptcy attorneys testified under oath that they would only meet with him in pairs – in order to prevent him from giving two different versions of the same story had they met with him individually.
The Antichrist working deceptively is another aspect of his throwing truth to the ground, as Daniel 8:12 states, and as I mentioned in the previous video. Above all else, these verses are telling us that the Antichrist is a deceiver, which is precisely what Trump has shown himself to be.
#20) The Antichrist understands dark sentences – Daniel 8:23. This verse gives us one key insight into the intelligence of the Antichrist: he understands “dark sentences.” Other translations render this verse as “understanding sinister schemes”, and it’s a window into the innate intelligence of the Antichrist.
He is a master of intrigue. Intrigue is defined as machination, which is a scheming or crafty action intended to accomplish some usually evil end. In a way, it’s almost as if the Antichrist will be a savant, in that his ability to scheme, his mastery of intrigue, is the only intellectual trait given to us.
Intrigue was a hallmark of the Trump presidency and has continued on in the years since he reluctantly left office. His sinister schemes to seek revenge, and to even stay in power, were as deliberate in his political life as they were previously in his business career.
#21) The Antichrist attains the kingdom by flatteries – Daniel 11: 21. Some translations render this verse as intrigue, reinforcing Daniel 8:23’s reference to “dark sentences”, but the context of this verse goes in a bit of a different direction.
Looking at Strong’s Concordance, we see that the word used for “flatteries” in Daniel 11:21 more closely means smoothness, slipperiness, or fine promises, which tells us that the Antichrist will attain the kingdom because of his scheming with a small group of people, as Daniel 11:23 references.
Trump’s many legal problems would have derailed any other politician, but not Trump. He is as slippery as a snake, and has not only managed to avoid serious repercussions for his actions, but has parlayed them into seeking revenge and scheming to get back into power.
#22) The bible speaks of nationalism – Matthew 24:7. One of the more famous bible verses about the end times speaks of nation rising against nation and kingdom and kingdom. Nation versus nation is the inevitable result of nationalism, which has swept the world in recent years.
Led by Trump and his MAGA movement, this wave of nationalism has also brought about an extreme patriotism and fervent anti-immigration views in country after country all around the world.
Trump’s specific brand of nationalism in America, however, has one distinct difference from the nationalism in other countries: It serves him in his quest to regain power. And the great power of America is a vehicle for him to seek retribution on his enemies.
#23) The Antichrist will amaze the world – Revelation 13:3. This verse tells us that that the Antichrist will be such a unique person, that the entire world will be amazed by him. They will wonder after him, asking who is like he is?
And indeed, Donald Trump’s presence on the world stage over the past few years has resulted in exactly these same reactions. World leaders have been constantly awestruck by him, unable to take their eyes off of him as if they were slowly driving by a serious car accident.
Trump already steals the headlines on an almost daily basis, with one outrageous comment after the other. Imagine how the world will react when he once again takes up residence in the White House, and again becomes the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.
#24) The Antichrist will succeed in all that he does – Daniel 8:24. This verse gives us background on John 5:43, which says that the Antichrist will come in his own name. In short, it tells us that the Antichrist will arrive on the scene having already been a worldwide success.
Trump’s record of success in worldly affairs is certainly notable, as he has unabashedly let everyone know. Even if these successes have been greatly embellished by him, or achieved in ways that skirt the law, he has nevertheless attained everything he wanted. In the eyes of the world, he is a great success.
This tells us of his overwhelming drive for success, to achieve whatever goal he sets his mind to. He simply doesn’t care what he has to say or do to achieve that goal, as long as he gets it. And this verse tells us that Trump will also never stop until he regains power and takes revenge on his enemies.
#25) The Antichrist has a stout look – Daniel 7:20. This verse gives us an intriguing description of the physical appearance of the Antichrist, saying that he looks more stout than his fellows. Stout is defined as haughty, full of oneself, and even heavyset.
Haughty, of course, is an absolutely perfect description for Trump – as it describes someone who is scornfully and condescendingly proud, and also arrogant and overbearing. He is full of himself to an extreme, as Daniel 8:25 also stated.
But in this verse we have the Antichrist referred to as looking stout, which means that he will look heavyset. And just like all the verses before this one, Trump also matches this description in the bible as he is clearly and unquestionably heavyset.
#26) The Antichrist sows discord – Proverbs 6:14. Proverbs 6, verses 12 through 15 are commonly referred to as “The Wicked Man”, and bible scholars generally consider the descriptions in these verses as a reference to the Antichrist.
Verse 14 tells us that one notable trait of the Antichrist is that he will sow discord. The inference being that he is intentionally dividing one person or one group against another for his own benefit. He isn’t simply divisive, but he purposely sows divisiveness to reap the rewards.
Trump intentionally uses a divide and conquer strategy, a sowing of discord, in order to weed out those who oppose him. His framing of any person, group or organization who criticizes him as evil, has the net effect of causing his supporters to believe they’re on the side of good.
#27) The Antichrist is a unique, unstoppable force that can’t be fought against – Revelation 13:4. This verse tells us not only of how incredibly singular the Antichrist is, “who is like unto the beast”, but it also tells us that he is a literal force of nature: no one is able to fight against him.
Indeed, we have seen Trump vanquish one foe after another over the years, as anyone and everyone who has stood up to him politically has either been defeated, marginalized or resigned. His enemies simply drop by the wayside, one by one.
There’s no reason to think that Trump’s vanquishing of his enemies will be constrained to the political arena. He and his supporters have often spoken of seeking revenge on those who opposed him, of putting them in jail and even executing them for treason.
And to the man who values loyalty above all else, being disloyal to him IS treason.
The Bottom Line
There’s a reason that the bible has given us this many descriptions of the Antichrist, and that reason is so that we are NOT deluded by him, and we don’t end up following him down the road to perdition.
If we simply pay attention to what the bible says, we will learn that there is someone on the world scene right now who matches those descriptions. Not just some of them, but each and every one. And that person who matches ALL of these descriptions is Donald J. Trump.
Just like the bible told us would happen with the Antichrist, Trump has come in his own name and is beloved in Israel. He has a mouth of a lion, is profoundly arrogant and magnifies himself above others. He is boastful beyond all measure, and has cast truth to the ground as if it was worthless.
Trump has denied both the Father and the Son, is an extraordinarily vile person, and honors the god of forces in his own estate. He is obsessed with gold, his name is connected to a little horn, and he has a covenant with many.
Trump has disguised himself as an angel of light, he loves money beyond all measure, and Christians have fallen away from the faith and embraced him despite his sordid lifestyle. He has exactly the type of ego to one day proclaim himself as God.
Trump’s autobiography could be titled “The Man of Sin”, he has consistently acted in ways that could only be described as “lawless”, he has made a habit of doing what he pleases, and deceptiveness has been interwoven with every part of his business career and personal life.
He excels at what the bible calls “dark sentences”, or scheming, has promoted nationalism which sets up the “nation against nation” prophecy, and has repeatedly amazed and stunned the world as his words and actions shock many.
He has perfected the art of flattery to get what he wants, he has succeeded in all that he does, he has a stout look, and he sows discord purposely to divide and conquer – to elevate himself while destroying his enemies. He is that unstoppable force that no one can fight against.
There simply is no one else on the world scene who comes even close to matching ALL the biblical descriptions of the Antichrist. And that man is right in front of us: he is Donald J. Trump.
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