Russia Invades Ukraine and Trump Compliments Putin

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. I just wanted to briefly touch on the news we’ve all been following over the past 24 hours or so, and offer a few quick thoughts about this.

Needless to say, I’m referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has pretty much seemed inevitable over the past couple of weeks. Well, that inevitability has now become stark reality, and the world is once again experiencing a major war in Europe.

Here are 5 quick thoughts of mine, and please feel free to leave yours in the comments below.

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10 Strange Facts Behind the Canadian Truck Blockade, and Why Christians Should Care

In today’s video I’d like to talk about the recently ended Canadian Truck Blockade, known as the Freedom Convoy, and take a quick look at a few strange facts behind those protests.

More importantly, I want to talk about how these protests are just the latest example of a dark force or energy behind so many events over the last couple of years, and an important biblical lesson we can learn from it.

The Freedom Convoy started a few weeks back, making headlines in Canada and was also a cause célèbre among the American conservative media. The protest even garnered a great deal of attention around the world, spawning similar events from Europe to Israel.

The stated purpose of the Freedom Convoy was to protest the mask and vaccine mandates throughout Canada, and eventually led to protesters successfully blocking four different border crossings between the US and Canada.

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What Shall It Profit a Man To Gain the Whole World And Lose His Own Soul?

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. In today’s video I’d like to talk about the ultimate rhetorical question – one that’s been asked millions and millions of times over the centuries: what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?

It’s not only a profound question in and of itself, but the biblical meaning behind this question goes much deeper than we might suspect, from portending the final Antichrist, to serving as a stern warning to each and every one of us.

To better explain what that warning is, we need to first make a slight detour. I’d like to take you back to the early 1980’s, and reference a movie that was the epitome of a man desiring the entire world, and everything in it, only to lose his own soul in the end.

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Channel Update: Next 4 Videos During February 2022

Hi, everyone. This is just a quick update regarding the videos I’ll be uploading over the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately this is not my full time job, so it’s possible I might be a day or two off on this schedule, but I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.

February 15th:: What Shall It Profit a Man To Gain the Whole World And Lose His Own Soul? – This video will cover Mark chapter 8, verses 36 and 37, in which Jesus asks: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

I’ll talk about how these two verses are not only a direct reference to the Antichrist, both in what he eventually achieves and what ultimately happens to him – but they also contain a very important message for each of us. A message we will do well to heed.

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The Feet of the Bear: Revelation 13:2 and Current Events

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. Before I begin, and due to the content of this video, I must once again reiterate that my channel is NOT political. Politics are not only the things of this world, but they are absolutely filled with all kinds of evil, on both sides of the political aisle.

Now that I’ve said that, let’s get into this video. Today’s video is on a subject that I’ve been thinking about in recent months – and that is Revelation 13:2, and specifically the reference to “the feet of a bear”, and how it might relate to current world events.

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The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, Part 1: Symbolism and Characteristics

Thanks for taking the time to watch today’s video, which deals with the infamous Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns. This is a subject that I’ve been meaning to cover for a while, as the imagery of this prophecy is certainly one of the more fascinating that we see in the bible.

Because this is a more involved topic, I’m going to break this down into several parts, with this obviously being part one. I anticipate this being a 5 part series, give or take, as examining the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns also involves understanding Mystery Babylon.

By the way, I will make videos on other subjects that will be uploaded in between each of the 5 parts to this series. So part 2 might be a few weeks down the line, after this first part is uploaded. Roughly speaking, it will be a once-per-month schedule for this series.

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