The Irony of Christians Playing the Powerball Lottery

As many of us have heard, the latest Powerball jackpot has now grown to be over $1.6 billion dollars, which makes it the largest lottery prize in world history. Of course, the $1.6 billion jackpot would be paid out over 30 years, not immediately, but it’s still an staggering amount of money.

If the winner chooses to take it in all cash up front, the payout would be $782 million dollars. But then you do also have a monstrous federal tax deduction, which is about $290 million dollars, leaving you with approximately $490 million dollars in the end.

Just to let you know, in case you’re hoping to hit it big, the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are over 292 million to 1. To put that number in perspective, your chance of getting hit by lightning in your lifetime is only about 15,000 to 1.

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The Jewish Mashiach and the Christian Antichrist

For Christians who are interested in bible prophecy, the topic of the Antichrist has long been a fascinating one. A multitude of movies, books and videos are on this topic, with even many atheists being at least somewhat familiar with this figure.

Connected to that interest in the Antichrist is the awareness that Jews are, for their part, looking for their own messiah. And as far as many Christians are concerned, that person will be the Antichrist.

Of course, the REAL messiah of the Jewish people is Jesus Christ, just as He is the messiah of everyone. But since Jews have not, at this time, recognized Jesus as being the messiah who was to come, they are currently looking for someone else to fill that role.

In fact, they are not only looking for their messiah to appear soon, some Jewish rabbis are claiming that he is already here. They are even saying that they’ve held meetings with the messiah, and that he will reveal himself when the time is right.

So, let’s take a look at this a little more in-depth. Who is this messiah that Jewish rabbis are looking for? Is he here right now? And is he the same person as the Antichrist in Christianity?

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