A Picture of the Antichrist

In the last few decades, as Christians have become more and more convinced that we’re in the last days, they have wildly speculated about who might be the final Antichrist. What will he look like? Where will he come from?

In recent years, the consensus opinion is that he will likely be a very popular figure. Someone who might be on the younger side, and considered smart, attractive and very charismatic. He could even be Muslim and perhaps even gay.

But then a few Christians began to study the Bible to see what IT said, and they discovered that the Antichrist is described a bit differently.

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A Tidal Wave of Hate

In the last few days there has been a tidal wave of hate coming from the ultra-MAGA crowd toward my channel, and it’s been mostly aimed at the most-watched video on my channel, “15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump As the Antichrist.”

That video is now approaching one million views, which it will likely surpass in the next few days. Of those one million views, more than 900,000 have come in the last six months.

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Trump Is a Changed Man

There have been multiple news reports about how Donald Trump is a changed man after the assassination attempt on Saturday night.

He is reportedly changing everything from the tone of his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, to make it more unifying, to suggesting that the campaign between him and Biden could be more civil from here on out.

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Trump Suffers Head Wound

In what was a shocking event yesterday, Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt – coming just inches away from killing him. It is one of those stunning moments in history where everyone remembers where they were when they heard the news.

There is even a photo which appears to show the bullet a split second before it grazed Trump’s ear, fired by the would-be assassin from the rooftop of a nearby building.

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Does the Antichrist Know He’s the Antichrist?

One of the more interesting questions that comes up is whether or not the Antichrist KNOWS he is the Antichrist. Is he aware of his place in the end times, or is he perhaps so involved with himself that he has no time for, or concept of, Bible prophecy.

Fortunately, the Bible does give us some insight as to whether or not the Antichrist will know who he is. More precisely, it gives us insight as to WHEN the Antichrist will know who he is.

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Christians Have Been Poisoned

There is something going on with Christians these days, and it’s not good. More and more of us are talking and behaving in ways that are directly at odds with what the Bible clearly says, and yet we are somehow failing to understand what we are doing. Here is the latest example.

Meet Mark Robinson, who is currently North Carolina’s Lt. Governor, and who is endorsed by Donald Trump to become the next Governor in the state. To get Trump’s endorsement, one has to praise Trump, of course, and Robinson is a self-described MAGA republican.

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Trump’s Imperial Presidency

There was a very good article on Axios yesterday entitled “Behind the Curtain: Trump’s imperial presidency in waiting”. I’ll put a link to the article in the description below in case you’d like to read it.

Here are a few quotes from the article, however I should let everyone know ahead of time that reading these will NOT make you feel better. Rather, this is a stark warning of what will most likely happen in just a few months.

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