Trump Grifts off of Attempted Assassination

Donald Trump is never one to miss an opportunity to ask his supporters for money, and yesterday’s apparent assassination attempt gave him another chance to do just that.

Earlier today on Truth Social, Trump posted a link for his supporters to give money, and if you click on that link, the first thing you’ll see is a popup notification with a message that might seem a bit strange.

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Subliminal Messages in ‘God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust’

In a recent video I talked briefly about the new movie, “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust”, which is due out on September 12th. The movie is the 5th installment in the “God’s Not Dead” movie franchise, in case you were curious.

The movie promotes the idea of Christians getting power in THIS world, which of course, is not what we are to do. Even worse, the movie is about Christian Nationalism, which poisons our faith with politics and patriotism.

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Thoughts on Daniel 7:25

Of the many great verses in the Bible, I always thought of Daniel 7:25 as being one of the more fascinating passages. So, I just wanted to briefly look at the verse a bit closer, and give a few thoughts. The verse reads as follows:

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” – Daniel 7:25

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Donald Trump Knew This Before Anyone Else Did

Donald Trump has been been criticized quite a lot over the years – even made fun of – for not being particularly smart. And if we’re honest about it, there’s probably a good reason for much of that criticism. He simply displays his ignorance as if it were a badge of honor.

But the truth is that Trump actually knew something before anyone else did. And when he said it, most people shook their head in disbelief, or even laughed. They’re not laughing anymore.

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