The Extreme Pettiness of Donald J. Trump

In just a few weeks it will be five years since I started this channel, and over those five years I’ve made close to 600 videos, counting a few that YouTube decided to delete, in their infinite wisdom.

The majority of the videos have been about how Donald Trump lines up with the Biblical Antichrist. He simply matches the descriptions given to us in the Bible about this figure of the last days.

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The Antichrist Returns to Power

Yesterday marked Donald Trump’s return to power, and he wasted no time in signing dozens of executive orders to force through his agenda. On day one, Trump acted like a dictator, just as he said he would. As Axios put it:

“Trump dared the courts, Congress and his fragmented opposition to stand in the way of what could be his most enduring legacy: a radical expansion of presidential power.” – Axios

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Should We Be Afraid of Donald Trump?

Today I want to talk about a question that has been coming up a lot in the comments ever since Trump won reelection. That question has a lot of variations, but it can be best summed up as: “Should we be afraid of Donald Trump”?

This question is connected to the fact that many of us on this channel believe that Trump is, or could be, the final Antichrist as described in the Bible. And, logically, it would make sense that the final Antichrist wouldn’t want people talking about how he might be the final Antichrist.

Thus, some of us are nervous about whether comments we’ve made about Trump, or about MAGA, will come back to haunt us in some way. After all, Trump is a very petty man, so we do have to wonder just how far his pettiness will go.

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