In my last video I talked about a few crazy comments from Trump supporters, and how they were evidence that this Trump delusion is growing ever stronger. Well, I thought I’d add one more comment for you to see, only because it’s so over the top.
The comment was from today, and appeared on the “Trump Will Fix Everything” video. I’m going to blur out the person’s screen name in case he wants to go back and edit what he said. And hopefully he will, because that would mean he is rethinking his views on Trump.
But here is the short conversation we had this morning, and you can see that his goal was to get me to STOP talking about how Trump matches the biblical descriptions for the Antichrist. What he said next blew my mind.
After telling me that God is watching me and will hold me accountable – I assume he means for my videos – he then said “Enjoy your YouTube 30 pieces of silver.” And added a “SHAME ON YOU” for good measure.
Now, once I saw that reference to 30 pieces of silver, I just had to shake my head in disbelief. This person is so wrapped up in the delusion surrounding Trump, that anyone who opposes Trump is equivalent to Judas. That would make Trump, of course, Jesus.
Something is very, very wrong in today’s church when Christians are putting anyone on the level of Jesus, and especially a man as vile as Donald Trump. But more and more Christians, like this person, are doing exactly that.
Donald Trump has poisoned the church, causing it to view him as not only God’s chosen one, but as our savior. And as long as the pastors and preachers and those who head up each local church allow this to continue, more and more Christians WILL follow him down the road to perdition. ♦
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