Trump Is the ‘Chosen One’

In case you didn’t see it, or didn’t want to see it, earlier today Donald Trump boasted about a new song which has proclaimed him as “The Chosen One” — and that “God has chosen President Trump to push back against the evil in our country.”

The song’s artist is Natasha Owens, and she previously had a bit of success last year with a song called “Trump Won”, which was a viral sensation among conservatives. Here’s a snippet of that song:

That’s all I’m going to play because I don’t want a copyright strike on my channel, and also because if I DO get any kind of a copyright strike, I want it to be for something much more worthwhile than that particular song.

Trump’s post on Truth Social about “The Chosen One” led to a publicity page for the song, and on that page was the following statement from Natasha Owens.

“Last year I sang on the Mar-A-Lago lawn, and I dedicated my song ‘Warrior’ to President Trump. I told him that night that we have prayed many days for God’s protection to be with him. I believe that God has protected him and has made President Trump into a warrior who is fighting for us for such a time as this. I certainly know that President Trump is not the Messiah, but throughout the Bible, a perfect God has used many imperfect men to do great things for his kingdom. We are in a battle between good and evil and I believe that God has chosen President Trump to push back against the evil in our country and the evil in this world. President Trump is ‘The Chosen One.’”

Now, it struck me as a bit strange that she had to specifically SAY that she knew that Trump wasn’t the Messiah. Seems to me that something like that shouldn’t have to be said unless there’s a legitimate reason that people MIGHT think that about you.

Well, it turns out that there kind of is. Here is her new song, and I’ll just play a few seconds, again to avoid a copyright strike.

Now, here are the lyrics:

I’m not saying, He’s something divine
He gets in trouble bigly, Time after time
He’s controversial, But one thing is true
Imperfect people, A perfect God can use

I’m standing with the Chosen one
Ain’t no stopping what the Lord’s begun
He’s only human, Like you and me
Just a chosen one, The chosen one

This great nation, Is under attack
And its real leader has, Arrows in his back
So many greet him, With a Judas kiss
But God gave us a warrior, For such a time as this

Brothers and sisters lay down your stones
There’s only one God and He’s still on the throne

I’m standing with the Chosen one
Ain’t no stopping what the Lord’s begun
He’s only human, Like you and me
Just a chosen one, The chosen one

As I just mentioned, on the song’s publicity page, Owens tells us that she knows that Trump isn’t the Messiah, and yet in the lyrics to her own song she sings about how Trump is being greeted with a Judas kiss. Here’s that particular line:

This happens a lot on the right. They accuse those who oppose Trump of doing it for 30 pieces of silver, or of betraying him with a Judas kiss. The problem with all of that is, obviously, in that scenario Trump would BE Jesus.

The inspiration – if that’s the right word – for the song actually came from conservative talk show host Wayne Allyn Root. Back in 2019, Root said this on his radio show:

“President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world … And the Jewish people in Israel love him … like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.”

The very next day Trump tweeted three times how appreciative he was of what Root said, and even added a “thank you” as if he was acknowledging a true statement. Later on that day, in front of the media, Trump also famously looked up at the sky and said, “I am the chosen one.”

Not satisfied with simply calling Trump the King of Israel, Wayne Allyn Root would pen other articles about how wonderful Trump is, including one last year simply called “Donald Trump Is the Chosen One.”

A few months back Root also penned an article about what he called “The Trump Miracle.” In it, Root again talked about how Trump was the chosen one. Never one to ignore a good compliment, Trump posted a link to the article on Truth Social, and he did so on Easter Sunday, of all days.

But the idea for the song “The Chosen One” came about because of Root’s article from last year by the same name. Apparently Root got together with Natasha Owens and her songwriting partner to come up with the song.

A couple of days ago, Root penned an article about the song on his website, and as you can see from the title, he says that liberal heads will explode. My question is why aren’t conservative heads exploding?

Why is this kind of worship – and there’s no other word for it – this kind of worship of Trump okay with conservative Christians? How is it even possible that they can listen to songs like this which glorify Trump, and not be bothered by it?

On the song’s publicity page that Trump had linked to, Root is quoted as saying this: “More than ever, I believe Donald J. Trump is ‘the chosen one’ – chosen by God to save America, Israel and the world from tyrannical and authoritarian powers trying to take our freedoms away.”

Yes, you read that correctly. Donald J. Trump is chosen to save the world.

Natasha Owens and Wayne Allyn Root are just a microcosm of all that is wrong with Christianity. Christians are embracing a deeply sinful man all because of what we might gain in THIS world. But even more than embracing him, they are elevating him to a level alongside Jesus.

And no one is happier with this promotion of Trump as the chosen one than Donald J. Trump. For Trump demands loyalty and revels in praise, and there is no surer way to achieve this than to have Christians think you were chosen by God.

Here’s the thing, though. Trump won’t remain satisfied with simply being called God’s Chosen One. Of sharing the characteristics of Jesus. The time is coming when Trump will demand all of this glory for himself.

His ego is so extreme that the day is soon coming when he will exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God will sit in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. ♦

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