Christians Have Been Poisoned

There is something going on with Christians these days, and it’s not good. More and more of us are talking and behaving in ways that are directly at odds with what the Bible clearly says, and yet we are somehow failing to understand what we are doing. Here is the latest example.

Meet Mark Robinson, who is currently North Carolina’s Lt. Governor, and who is endorsed by Donald Trump to become the next Governor in the state. To get Trump’s endorsement, one has to praise Trump, of course, and Robinson is a self-described MAGA republican.

Robinson is also a professed Christian, and a week ago, on June 30th, he delivered a campaign speech at the Lake Church in White Lake, North Carolina. The event was called “God and Country Sunday,” which pretty much tells you all you need to know about this church.

Like most churches across the country nowadays, Lake Church adds large doses of patriotism to the Word of God, to the point where you can’t have one without the other. It would seem that these churches have forgotten about Rev 22:18, which warns about adding things to the Bible.

If the picture of the flag being near the cross doesn’t tell you that that this church is all about patriotism, then just take a look at the man on the left of the stage who is basically wearing an American flag.

But in his speech, Robinson called for the “killing” of a wide range of foes ranging from America’s past war enemies to “wicked people” and those who kick conservatives off social media. Here is a clip from what he said.

Lake Church Facebook page:

This is where too many of us Christians are now at. Many of us not only believe that it is okay to hate others, despite Jesus clearly saying that we are to love our enemies – but some of us are pining for retribution. For vengeance, even though the Bible says that vengeance belongs to God alone.

Even worse, as Robinson’s speech demonstrates, there are calls for us to KILL our enemies. To destroy those who WE define as being evil, because vengeance belongs to US, not God. But how did we get to the point where professing Christians are calling for the death of other people?

Nearly a decade ago, a snake slithered his way into the church. The snake promised he would give the church all the power they wanted in this world, and all they had to do in return was to embrace him. Just help him win.

The church did help the snake, but in return the snake’s venom has poisoned the church. It has fallen away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and embraced the gospel of the Antichrist. A gospel that is all about the things of this world.

The church made a deal with the devil, but it forgot to ask itself one very important question: what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul? ♦

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