A Picture of the Antichrist

In the last few decades, as Christians have become more and more convinced that we’re in the last days, they have wildly speculated about who might be the final Antichrist. What will he look like? Where will he come from?

In recent years, the consensus opinion is that he will likely be a very popular figure. Someone who might be on the younger side, and considered smart, attractive and very charismatic. He could even be Muslim and perhaps even gay.

But then a few Christians began to study the Bible to see what IT said, and they discovered that the Antichrist is described a bit differently.

As these Christians read the Bible, they learned that the Antichrist is actually described as having the mouth of a lion. As being a loud, boastful, and arrogant man. He is someone who will magnify himself in his own heart, and who seeks to elevate his own name above others.

These Christians learned that, rather than being charismatic, the Antichrist was described in the pages of the Bible as a vile person, which means he is sordid, crass and vulgar, and one who purposely sows discord. Slowly, the picture of the Antichrist started to get a little more clear.

These Christians then learned that that Antichrist of the Bible will be a beloved figure in Israel, and within the Christian church. He will poison the Church and cause many to fall away from the faith, with his gospel about the things of this world.

Even more, the Antichrist is described as caring so little for the truth, that he throws it to the ground as if it was worthless. It’s not about the truth with him. It’s all about himself. More and more, the picture of the Antichrist comes into focus.

We’re also told that the Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son, which means he is someone who doesn’t think he needs forgiveness from the Father, and thereby denying the need for a savior in the Son.

The Bible’s portrait of the Antichrist also teaches us that he is obsessed with money, specifically gold, and he honors the god of forces in his estate. He is referred to as the Little Horn, and he will bring about a covenant with many between Israel and her neighbors.

The Antichrist of the Bible is all of these things, but most of all, he has the ultimate ego to one day even pronounce himself as God, or simply savior of the world.

Based on the biblical descriptions of the Antichrist, there is one man who matches them exclusively, and his picture is now on the screen. The question is: are you willing to believe what the Bible says? ♦

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