The 3 Prime Suspects for the False Prophet

The False Prophet could be the most fascinating figure in the Bible, considering the impact he is to have in the last days. In fact, he is directly involved in so many stunning events in the end times, one could make the argument that he is MORE important than the Antichrist.

For example, here is how the False Prophet is described in the Bible, along with some of the things he is to do:

He arises out of the earth, generally interpreted to mean Israel

He has two horns like a lamb

He speaks as a dragon

He has all the power of the 1st beast

He causes the world to worship the 1st beast

He performs so-called miracles, including fire from the sky

He has the world make an image to the 1st beast

He gives life to that image of the 1st beast

He causes everyone to receive the mark of the beast

While there doesn’t seem to be anyone on the scene right now who matches ALL of these things, there are three individuals who are much closer than any of the others. Let’s take a look at those three, and the case for and against them being the False Prophet.

1) Elon Musk

Elon Musk is the world’s wealthiest man, by far, and he is also deeply involved in numerous cutting-edge technologies, from SpaceX to Neuralink, to AI – all of which could very well be instrumental in what the False Prophet will do.

Musk also owns X, formerly Twitter, which he intends to make into what’s referred to as a Super App, or an Everything App. In addition, Musk supports the man who lines up with how the Bible describes the Antichrist, one Donald J. Trump.

Where Musk seems to be lacking is that he doesn’t have a direct connection to Israel, which the False Prophet must have. Nor does he seem to have a connection to the Roman Empire, which is the 4th Beast of Daniel.

However, Musk has said that he is “Jewish by association,” and that he is “aspirationally Jewish.” Although these things are not a direct connection to Israel or proof that he is Jewish, it is certainly interesting that he would say that.

2) The Papacy

The papacy would line up with a number of the biblical descriptions for the False Prophet being a religious figure, from having two horns like a lamb but speaking like a dragon, to performing false miracles in support of the Antichrist.

The papacy also has immense power on the world scene, and the Catholic Church has been trying for many years to unite all religions under the authority of the pope. If and when that happens, it would give a pope more power to cause the world to take the Mark of the Beast.

The Roman Catholic Church is also connected to Daniel’s prophecy of the 4th beast, which is the Roman Empire. There is also the “sun day” aspect to this, as Sol Invictus, meaning “invincible sun” or “unconquered sun”, was the official sun god of the late Roman Empire.

Coincidentally, the man who lines up with the biblical descriptions for the Antichrist also has his own adulation of the sun god, Apollo, prominently display on the ceiling at his penthouse.

However, the current pope, Pope Francis, is unlikely to fulfill the role of the False Prophet. He is not only 87 years old and in poor health, but conservative elements of the Catholic Church have been looking to force him to resign for several years now.

Toss in the fact that Pope Francis is not a supporter of the man who lines up with the biblical Antichrist, Donald J. Trump, and we can see that he would be a poor match for the False Prophet. It is the next pope, however, that we should be on the lookout for.

One aspect of the papacy that doesn’t line up with the biblical False Prophet is a connection to Israel. However, there have been several Jewish popes down through history, including, of course, what the Catholic Church would call the first pope, who was Peter.

One of those Jewish Popes was Pope Anacletus II, whose real name was Pietro Pierleone. What makes that interesting is that the man that many think will be the NEXT pope has a very similar name: Cardinal Pietro Parolin. It is not clear, however, if Cardinal Parolin has Jewish heritage.

Another possibility for a direct connection to Israel is for an upcoming pope to move from Vatican City to Jerusalem. This could be a result of a terrorist attack on the Vatican, which has been talked about in the past, or simply a desire to have a closer base to the Holy Land.

Several organizations have been talking about an interfaith worship center in Jerusalem, where Christians, Jews and Muslims would all be welcome. This would be similar in concept to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.

Thus, the next pope potentially moving his headquarters to Jerusalem might not be as far fetched as it sounds, especially if it’s connected to an interfaith worship center and possibly even the rebuilding of the third temple.

3) Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu has one very solid match to the biblical False Prophet that these other two do not: He is Jewish, which goes to the heart of the description of the Beast out of the earth. The False Prophet is to arise out of Israel.

Netanyahu has been described as speaking like a dragon, as the False Prophet will, and just like Musk, Netanyahu also shares a strong relationship with the man who matches the biblical Antichrist, Donald J. Trump.

He does fall short in other ways, however, such as having the immense power to cause the entire world to worship the Antichrist, and to bring about the Mark of the Beast upon the world. Netanyahu simply doesn’t have , right now, the kind of power that the False Prophet will.

Ranking the Prime Suspects

Of these three prime suspects for the False Prophet, the weakest is probably Benjamin Netanyahu, as he simply does not have power equivalent to the Antichrist, which the False Prophet will have. That doesn’t mean, however, he isn’t involved in other ways.

It isn’t like the Antichrist and the False Prophet are the only two powerfully evil figures in the end times. They will be surrounded by other evil men and women, who will aid and abet them during the last days. Netanyahu could possibly be one of the Ten Horns mentioned in Bible Prophecy.

Elon Musk is much more difficult to pin down, as he certainly does have immense power in the world, and is involved in cutting edge technology. He could easily be instrumental in bringing the beast to full power, but that also doesn’t mean necessarily he is the False Prophet.

Underneath the extraordinary power that the Antichrist and the False Prophet will have, there will need to be a comprehensive worldwide beast system in place. A system that involves tracking us in every area of our lives – from our jobs to our money to the food we buy and places we go.

The Antichrist and the False Prophet will need to have someone immediately under them who is able to implement the worldwide beast system. Someone with the financial resources and technological know-how to bring it about.

Elon Musk is perfectly suited to be the chief information officer in the beast system. CIO’s are responsible for IT strategy, and oversee the implementation of technology. Musk could also be one of the Ten Horns mentioned in Bible Prophecy.

This leads us to the prime suspect to be the False Prophet, at least for right now. That is a coming pope – very possibly the next pope. There are simply too many connections between the papacy and how the False Prophet is described in the Bible.

The papacy already has immense power all around the world, and is already looking to unite all religions under the authority of the pope. He is potentially the religious figure that could lead the world to worship the Antichrist.

When you add in the obvious connection to the Roman Empire, to sun-day worship, and how the sun god has been glorified down through history in pagan religions, the connection between the papacy and the False Prophet are too obvious to ignore.

The only thing missing so far is a direct connection between the papacy and Israel. Perhaps that will be fulfilled with the selection of a Jewish pope, or the next pope relocating from the Vatican into Jerusalem. And this pope, by necessity, would also be strong supporter of the Antichrist.

But one thing is for certain: very soon both the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be on the scene at the same time. And then, all hell breaks lose. ♦

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