Leaving MAGA World: Testimonies, Episode 1

Back in April I made a video called “Leaving MAGA World,” and in it I asked for comments from those who were previously into the whole MAGA movement, and perhaps even went to a Trump rally or two, but who have since left.

That video received nearly 500 comments, with many of those detailing the experiences of former Trump supporters, and what led them to eventually get away from that whole scene. There were many, many great comments left on the video – and quite a few of them were from Christians.

So, this video is episode one of a series about those comments, and in this first episode I’m going to read 15 of the comments as they give a nice cross-section of the different experiences that former Trump supporters have had.

Now, if you left a comment on the “Leaving MAGA World” video and I don’t read it in this video, please don’t be offended. There will be additional episodes down the road, and I’ll also try to get into some of the lengthier comments left on that video.

In the meantime, you can still go back and read all the comments on the “Leaving MAGA World” video itself if you’d like, and I’ll put a link in the description below. Of course, you can also leave your comment again on this video for others to read.

So let’s get into some of the comments left on the “Leaving MAGA World” video.

“I was a die hard fan! I have a video of me front row at a Trump rally. I told him I loved him he just looked at me. I had all the gear and yard signs. Wouldn’t date someone if they didn’t like him. Long story short, during covid lockdowns I started going down the rabbit hole. I was watching your videos and a few others. Your was more biblical as the others were different. Anyways I was shocked at how accurately he fit the script. I’ve always watched for years public figures who could be the AC. To think I even came that close to him. God surely woke me up.”

“Trump has always made me feel ill at ease, but it became much worse during his handling of COVID in America. His behavior as president was bizarre, cruel, arrogant, and ignorant. Then, the invasion of the Capitol, under his order, completely did it for me. I didn’t know he was the Antichrist at that time, but I certainly sensed that he was evil, and seemed to have a Machiavellian influence over many of my country’s fellow citizens.”

“I was once a T supporter. I even threw an inauguration party for the dufus in Jan 2017 in Wasilla Alaska at my house. The party theme was all things “Americana” to include cheeseburgers, apple pie and a certain brand-name beer. I was elated that he had won. Fast forward to April 2020. I knew deep down that something was drastically not right about this man. I started to diligently pray for wisdom, guidance and discernment on who T really was. I was led to videos on YT (you were one) that explained who he was and what was happening to us. I also heard the Holy Spirit succinctly tell me to “Get off of FB”, which I promptly did. I have repented for thinking he was good for our country. I no longer follow any politician and will never vote again.”

“I voted 2 times in my life and they was for trump. I basically just woke up one day and started researching mega and trump etc. Didn’t take long to see”

“I was a Hugh! Trump supporter and I considered myself a Christian, in my eyes Trump could do no wrong and would defend him no matter what he said or did, I would make so many excuses for him, I believed he was right on everything he said, I was 100% under the delusion the bible talks about. About 2 yrs ago I started feeling something was right, one was that snake poem he reads, it’s creepy and other things, like him always saying he’s the best at everything and this or that wouldn’t happen if he was still president and so on, so I got on my knees and prayed to Yahusha to show me the Truth no matter what it was. And thank you Yahusha showed me, praise God!! I cried when I realized I was following the “man of sin” and asked for forgiveness and now try to share it, but wow, so many Christians are under a great delusion! Praying that Yahusha will touch them and pull them out of the delusion!!”

“Absolutely. I was one for over 4 years. 2016-2020/21 I was more worried about my pocketbook then the word of God. I thought Trump would fix America’s money issues. What got me out of it was going deep into Q Anon. When they started comparing Q’s word to the word of God, it made me very uneasy. The fact that Q put Trump in the center, and in place of Christ, was enough for me. Studying the Minor Prophets, and he book of Daniel, solidified my suspicions. It also helped me to keep my eye on the word of God, and not self-proclaimed prophets. God Bless”

“I supported him/maga until a couple months ago… something didn’t feel right… I started asking GOD for the truth and started to see things I didn’t see before.”

“I voted for Trump Twice, didn’t like him the second time but how radical the left was becoming scared me. What woke me up is the irrational Qanon or Q drops were. Although i kept my mouth shut about it, they were much like a radical cult. They viscously attack anyone asking reasonable questions. Like spreading news of things to come and no evidence, and if you asked questions again vicious attack. When they call you a communist for asking reasonable questions like what is your proof that will happen, i was called even racial slurs.”

“When people say it’s Trump’s sins that gave them pause, I disagree with that bc all politicians are sinners and commit crimes. They are corrupt and they never seem to care about the people that they represent. So it wasn’t Trump’s sins that changed me from MAGA to voting for nobody. It was when Trump started promoting videos and images on his Truth Social that equated him with our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. That to me is just beyond the pale and wholly offensive. No way that I can be a part of that!”

“My wife voted for him, then he started doing the things the Bible said the Anti -christ would do so she quickly repented and has been exposing him ever since 2016.”

“I voted in 2016 for trump. Watched all debates and cheered trump. I had trump car decal and trump flag on car. My devotion ran deep. After about 2019 i saw past it all. Idk how. God opened up my eyes.”

“I went to a rally as a volunteer and saw the worship firsthand. I started realizing something was wrong.”

“I believed everything Trump and Q-anon said. Nearly drove myself crazy watching and listening to all the videos. I wore Trump t-shirts, donated money to his campaign, and literally could not afford to. I truly believed he had our best interest at heart. My sister even talked me into going halves on his stupid coins. What a scam! I was reading and studying my Bible one night, and my eyes opened up. Trump cannot make America great again. Only God could do that. I realized that night how blinded I had been. I should have been trusting in Jesus.”

“I was a huge Trump supporter. Reasons: he is bold, he made me believe he was really for America when the “other side” was not, he made me proud to be an American, made me feel he was fighting for “me”, I was listening to the false Trump prophets, (Dixon, Bullock, Green, Grace, Enlow etc…) They all constantly promote Trump. I believe they turned me towards him. How could that many “profits” be wrong or fake? I was not reading my Bible and I was in strong delusion. Yes, I am a Christian and by the pure Grace of our Holy God, he woke me up. I am thankful and grateful. No more…..it’s the Bible for me and a relationship with Jesus.”

“God showed me the truth. I asked for it and he told me to open my bible. I knew something was very off with trump once the q-anon crap got popular. I also never liked how he would openly say he didn’t ask god for forgiveness. Once you see him for what he is theres no going back. Ive always put God above all else. Ill never worship any man.”

That ends episode one of this series, and I’ll be back in a few weeks with episode two, depending on how crazy things get with all the other news that’s going on in our world.

Thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

COMMENTS: You may leave comments and insights on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@antichrist45/videos

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