Channel Update: Next 4 Videos During February 2022

Hi, everyone. This is just a quick update regarding the videos I’ll be uploading over the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately this is not my full time job, so it’s possible I might be a day or two off on this schedule, but I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.

February 15th:: What Shall It Profit a Man To Gain the Whole World And Lose His Own Soul? – This video will cover Mark chapter 8, verses 36 and 37, in which Jesus asks: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

I’ll talk about how these two verses are not only a direct reference to the Antichrist, both in what he eventually achieves and what ultimately happens to him – but they also contain a very important message for each of us. A message we will do well to heed.

February 19th: The Strange Forces Behind the Canadian Truck Blockade – This video will take a look at the trucker blockade in Canada, and how it is anything BUT an organic uprising. We will see how this movement actually involves a multitude of different fringe groups from not only Canada but also the United States.

In addition, there is support and financing from halfway around the world, which is certainly a very odd fact. And the one thing that all of these different groups seem to share is an adulation for Donald J. Trump, and a deep desire to get him back into power.

February 23rd: Lord of the Lies: Trump Has Remade the GOP Into His Own Image – This video will cover the astounding power that Trump now holds over the republican party, as any republican who dares to go against him is immediately subjected to accusations of disloyalty, of being a RINO, and even of committing treason.

Even more than that, the power that Trump now wields on the right is a stepping stone for him to regain power in the US, and his reemergence on the world stage will be akin to an earthquake of magnitude ten.

February 28th: The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, Part Two: The Identities of the 7 Heads – The second part of this series will detail exactly what kingdoms and kings are referenced when the bible talks about the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns. This entire series will be 5 parts, and when they’re all finished I’ll put them all together in a separate video that should make the whole subject matter a bit more cohesive and understandable.

So, those are the next 4 videos on the docket, and as I mentioned, this schedule might be a day or two off, but I’ll do my best to make sure I stick with these dates. Thanks for watching, and thanks again to those of you who have subscribed to my channel or left comments about the videos. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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