Trump Thought Hitler’s Generals Were Loyal to Hitler, Because Of Course He Did

Most of my videos over the next couple of weeks will be on the shorter side. I’m hoping that by doing so, it will help me get on a more consistent upload schedule with this channel, and then once or twice a month I can add in a much longer video.

I do have a couple of longer videos in the works that should be finished by the end of the month. That will include part 4 of the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, which I previously had put aside for a few weeks just to clear my head a bit. Hopefully that makes sense!

Anyway, back to this video. In case you needed a reminder of how absolutely crazy Trump’s first term was, there’s a fascinating article today on, which details Trump’s war with his generals.

I’ll put a link down in the description field, in case you’d like to read it. Be forewarned that there is a fair amount of profanity in the article, with most of it coming from Trump himself.

Several anecdotes in the story are quite interesting, including Trump’s remark that he didn’t want wounded warriors to participate in any potential military parade, because as Trump said, “this doesn’t look good for me.”

But the quote that might be talked about the most is this stunning exchange between Trump and General John Kelly, Trump’s chief of staff.

You ******* generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?”

Which generals?” Kelly asked.

The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded.

You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said.

But, of course, Trump did not know that. “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the President replied.

In his version of history, the generals of the Third Reich had been completely subservient to Hitler; this was the model he wanted for his military. Kelly told Trump that there were no such American generals, but the President was determined to test the proposition.

Two things jumped out at me when reading this. The first of which, of course, was that Trump simply didn’t know his history too well. But, we probably already knew that. Second, and more importantly, Trump is once again telling us that LOYALTY is what he values most.

In Trump’s mind, it was the loyalty of those generals that stood out above everything else. And this is because when a person is absolutely 100% loyal to someone or something, they will do or say whatever is asked of them. Loyalty ensures obedience.

Shockingly, Trump’s mistaken impression that Hitler’s generals were loyal to Hitler somehow made a stronger impression in Trump’s mind than did the atrocities that Nazi Germany committed during world war 2, or even how evil Hitler himself was.

The reason that matters so much, is that whenever Trump returns to power – however that eventually happens – he won’t be surrounded this time by anyone looking to protect the country from his worst instincts.

Instead, in his next term Trump will be surrounded by those who – above all else – will be LOYAL to him, and will acquiesce to whatever he wants. And, if his first term is any indication, what Trump really wants is to be King of America.

There was a reason that Trump complimented the strongmen and dictators of other nations during his first term, and remarked at how loyal their generals were to them. It’s because that’s exactly the kind of power he wants to wield.

Most of us remember the story of how Trump’s first wife, the late Ivana Trump, had said in a 1990 Vanity Fair article that her husband Donald had actually kept a book of Hitler’s speeches near his bed.

The book was My New Order, which detailed Hitler’s speeches from his earliest days up until about September of 1939. The title of Hitler’s book certainly stood out, as I can certainly see a younger Donald Trump reading the book and imagining his OWN new world order.

And that’s exactly what Trump is working at right now. He has already destroyed the GOP and remade it in his own image, with himself as the great MAGA king. Next on his list is to also remake America in his own image, with those loyal to him in all facets of government.

Eventually this will also happen on a worldwide scale. The bible tells us that the Antichrist will have power to rule all nations and tribes and tongues, and that he will be worshiped out of fear, because “who can fight against the beast.”

The Mark of the Beast will be introduced in order to enforce the worship of, and loyalty TO the Antichrist. Because in the end, the Antichrist won’t want just your worship, but he will demand your complete and undying loyalty.

Thank you for watching, and if you care to leave a comment, please do. As always, kindly be respectful in any comment you leave, especially toward those with whom you disagree. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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