Yesterday we saw President Biden give a speech in which he painted Trump and the MAGA movement as representing extremism, with conservatives widely panning his remarks as further dividing America.
Trump, of course, continues to demonstrate an abject willingness to sow discord and divide America in order to elevate himself, but Biden’s words last night did nothing to heal that division, and in fact he made it worse.
While many elements of extremism certainly exist within the MAGA movement as a whole, and many extremist groups seem to be naturally attracted to Trump, there are tens of millions of normal Americans who generally identify with the America First ideology.
These people are not far-right extremists or ultra MAGA proponents, but rather normal everyday conservatives who have political beliefs differing from Liberal America. Yet by casting such a wide net, Biden lumped them in with the more hardcore MAGA crowd.
In addition, terms such as “MAGA Forces” that Biden used in his speech, as well as referring to Trump as the “Great MAGA King” as he did a few weeks back, are NOT pejoratives to most on the right.
Instead, Great MAGA King and MAGA Forces are embraced by Trump and his supporters. They take pride in such names, and view them as powerful and accurate representations of who and what they are – something to rally around.
Rather than specifically going after the sordid character and vile personality of Trump, Biden’s speech instead cast tens of millions of Americans as being part of political extremism, further cementing the divide in this country.
It almost seemed as if Biden, or at least his speech writer, had the mistaken idea that those who are sympathetic to the MAGA movement are a very small part of the population. That is simply not true, as nearly one-half of the country is solidly in the Make America Great camp.
While the hardcore MAGA people are certainly a smaller group than many people suspect, Biden’s mistake was in not differentiating between those on the right who are sympathetic to the MAGA movement, and those in the ultra MAGA crowd.
But while Biden could have certainly taken a more conciliatory tone with his speech, the truth is that nothing can heal the current divisions in America. It’s simply too late for that. These divisions are not only irreparable, they’re going to get worse.
The bible describes the final Beast kingdom, which America is becoming, as being extraordinarily divided – partly of iron and partly of clay. It’s people will mingle together, but will not cleave one to another.
It also describes the Antichrist as taking advantage of this division. He is one who sows discord and who understands dark sentences. He works with a small group of people and attains the kingdom by flatteries.
So last night’s speech by Biden certainly deepened the divisions already in this country, but it also helped those who like the MAGA message to band together even more than they already have. And that helps none other than Donald J. Trump.
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