Trump Isn’t the Antichrist!

This video isn’t really about the Antichrist or bible prophecy, but rather a strange trend that I’m noticing more and more in the comments. And I’m hoping that some of the viewers of my videos who are part of that trend can help me find an answer.

First, to give a little background on my channel, at this point in time I have 165 videos which have received about 350,000 views over the last couple of years. The vast majority of those videos have dealt specifically with my conviction that the Antichrist is here now, and he is Donald J. Trump.

Roughly speaking, the number of comments on my videos are about 5% of the views, so that works out to approximately 17,000 comments on my channel so far. So, you can see that this is still a pretty small channel compared to most on YouTube, but it is starting to grow a bit more in recent months.

By the way, within those 17,000 comments are numerous people claiming to be a prophet of God. The thing is, however, these prophets all seem to have conflicting beliefs, so there’s definitely a lot of competition for the role of God’s prophet in case you’re interested in applying for that position.

But I’ll save THAT subject for another day, as this video is about something else – something odd that’s been happening recently, and that perhaps a few of the viewers of my videos will have the answer for. Here’s that issue.

Over the last couple of months I’ve been getting more and more comments to the effect of either “Trump isn’t the Antichrist” or “The rapture is about to happen anyway, so who cares who the Antichrist is?!” Occasionally those two statements are even combined in the same comment.

But what makes those comments strange is they are being left mostly by people who also subscribe to my channel. And again, in case you haven’t noticed, my channel is ALL ABOUT Donald J. Trump being the Antichrist.

So, for those of you who have left these type of comments: Why do you subscribe to my channel? If you think that Trump isn’t the Antichrist, or who cares who the Antichrist is, why would you subscribe to a channel like mine, which is all about Donald J. Trump being the Antichrist?

Now, in some cases I can sense a desire by some to angrily attack those who criticize Trump, as if he is the epitome of a righteous man under attack by evil forces. I suppose if you think God chose Trump to lead this Christian nation, you can justify attacking those who criticize him.

But, in most cases it’s just this strange contradiction of people who subscribe to my channel but ALSO claim that Trump isn’t the Antichrist, or that the rapture is about to happen so who cares who the Antichrist is.

So, if this is you – if you’ve left this type of comment, please help me understand why, especially if you also subscribe to my channel. Do you feel the need to defend Trump even on a small channel like mine? Or is it something else that caused you to subscribe? I’m just curious.

Anything, thanks for taking a moment to watch and for your feedback, and I’m definitely looking forward to reading the comments on THIS video! I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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