The Political Beliefs of My Channel

Over the last few weeks there has been a substantial increase in the number of subscribers to my channel, and that is largely because one of my older videos, “15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump As the Antichrist” started showing up in YouTube’s suggested videos.

In addition to those new subscribers, the views and comments on that video also increased exponentially. Whereas last year it might have garnered a 100 views on a good day, it’s now getting 20,000 views a day, and there are more than 7,000 comments.

Unfortunately, within those 7,000 plus comments are a whole lot of politics. And it’s not just Trump fans shouting “MAGA” or “Trump 2024,” either. A large number of democrats are posting comments as if that video is a reason to vote for Biden.

Let me be clear about this: That video is NOT designed to try and help get Biden elected. If you think that is its purpose, you’re missing the point. The video is also NOT designed to hurt Trump politically, as I fully believe that he IS returning to power, one way or the other.

That particular video, along with all the other videos on my channel, is intended only to warn my fellow Christians that Donald J. Trump perfectly matches how the Bible describes the Antichrist. If you’re a Christian, that should concern you very much.

Politically speaking, I was a registered republican for my entire life up until a couple of years ago when I switched to Libertarian. Now, however, I no longer care about politics, as they are part and parcel of the things of this world. And, importantly, I now understand that BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL.

Let me put it this way: If you think you have to vote for Biden in order to keep Trump out of office, or if you think you have to vote for Trump to keep the liberals from destroying America, either way you’re voting for evil.

Voting for Biden is lending your support to a party that is largely pro-abortion and pro-transgender medical treatments for children. Voting for Trump is lending your support to a party that views immigrants as people to be shunned, which is precisely the opposite of what the Bible says.

Importantly, if you’re a Christian, the Bible in no way, shape or form tells us to choose the lesser of two evils. In fact, it says that we are to be holy in all that we do.

In addition, a remarkable verse that could very easily apply to politics is in Proverbs 4:27, and it says this: “Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.” Politics are filled with evil, and trying to choose the lesser of two evils is still supporting evil.

If you’re looking for someone to save America, or if you’re looking for someone to save us from Trump, remember this: Neither Donald Trump nor any republican, nor any democrat is going to truly save America or the world. Our savior is Jesus Christ. ♦

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