Correction to ‘Trump’s Bloodbath Comment’ Video

This is just a quick correction to my video about Trump’s “bloodbath” comment. After further evaluation of Trump’s comments, I have come to a different conclusion than what I stated in my video concerning one important thing.

In the video, I stated that when Trump said: “That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’s going to be the least of it,” he was rambling as usual, and that it didn’t mean he was referring to additional bloodbaths.

However, I was wrong. Trump’s own words say otherwise. He said “That’s going to be the least of it,” meaning that the auto imports he was just discussing are only a very SMALL PART of the bloodbath should he lose.

What could those additional things be? Based on his previous rhetoric over the years, it is obvious to me that those additional things would include a literal bloodbath should he lose. After all, he is probably the last person on the planet who would graciously accept losing an election.

Right now he is trying to say that it was all about the automobile industry. It wasn’t. He was clearly and unequivocally defining bloodbath as so much MORE than just his comments on the auto imports.

Unfortunately YouTube doesn’t allow editing of videos to include additional commentary, once they are uploaded, so I just wanted to add this short statement to correct what I previously said. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to watch the video and I’ll talk to you guys soon.

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