A Tidal Wave of Hate

In the last few days there has been a tidal wave of hate coming from the ultra-MAGA crowd toward my channel, and it’s been mostly aimed at the most-watched video on my channel, “15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump As the Antichrist.”

That video is now approaching one million views, which it will likely surpass in the next few days. Of those one million views, more than 900,000 have come in the last six months.

However, today I’ve decided to close the comments on that video, at least temporarily, for reasons I’ll explain in a minute. To those of you who spent time replying to some of the comments on that video, thank you for your time, it was very much appreciated.

So I’m going to read the statement I pinned to the top of that video’s comments, only because I may or may not need to do this on other videos, as well. Here’s that statement.

“COMMENTS ARE TEMPORARILY PAUSED … HERE’S WHY – Since the attempted assassination of Trump, his supporters have been leaving many angry, obscenity-laced, and even hate-filled comments on this video. In a couple of cases, there have even been threats. The comments often include inaccurate statements of what is in the Bible, either by ignorance or by design. There is also an overt desire to glorify Donald Trump. Unfortunately, many of these people are not studying the Word of God, but have chosen to rely on the Left Behind nonsense and MAGA preachers for their doctrine. There is a palpable evil to much of this, and I will not let it continue lest it mislead someone. So, I’ve decided to clean up the comments a bit, as best I can, and hopefully reopen comments in the near future. Please read the information below for the most common objections to this video. Thank you.”

So that’s the statement, and hopefully I won’t have to close the comments on other videos, but if that does happen at least you will know why.

Finally, there are many of you who have been having problems with your comments not showing up. In fact, this has also been happening to me, as some of my own comments are not appearing on my own videos over the last couple of weeks.

I have reached out to YouTube about this, but I’m not particularly hopeful of a resolution. In my opinion, there seems to be some sort of channel-specific algorithm messing things up, although only YouTube knows for sure.

So, in case anyone is wondering, no, I’m not deleting your comments, or shadow banning you in any way. This is an issue with YouTube algorithms, and for whatever reason, it would appear that these algorithms do NOT like my channel.

Anyway, thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

COMMENTS: You may leave comments and insights on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@antichrist45/videos

Support Channel: For those who are willing and able, donations may be made on gofundme. Thank you!