Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. This video isn’t about a specific news story, but rather an uneasy feeling I’m getting. And that feeling is that some sort of shocking event is in our near future. An event that will, at least temporarily, bring America to a standstill.
Of course, there are probably 10,000 videos on YouTube that say something similar to this, with many of them being much more specific than this one. I suppose if enough people keep predicting something bad to happen, eventually one will turn out to be right.
In one of my older videos I talked about how, over the years, I’ve had numerous dreams of a tsunami hitting the east coast of the US. Many others have also had dreams or premonitions about an event such as this, and it really does feel like just a matter of time.
Still others on YouTube talk about how an American city getting nuked is right around the corner. Considering the current state of wars, and rumors of wars, making a video about an American city being attacked doesn’t seem that far fetched.
All of this adds up to a strange mixture of both excitement and dread for those of us who follow bible prophecy. And I have an unusual analogy for what many of us are feeling.
You know that moment on a roller-coaster when you’re almost at the very top of that first big incline. You can hear and feel the gears cranking underneath, as the car pulls you and dozens of other frightened passengers to the top.
For a brief moment you’re both excited and scared, as the adrenaline pumps through your body preparing you for any eventuality. Of course, you know it’s simply an amusement park ride, and yet in the back of your mind you can’t help but wonder if something will go wrong.
After a moment or two you thankfully end up safely back on the ground, laughing with your friends at how everyone was screaming. That feeling of being afraid that you had a moment ago is gone, and now you realize that everything is okay.
This is where I feel we are right now. We’re nearly at the very top of that roller-coaster, about to plunge down into things that will truly terrify us. And we know that this isn’t just an amusement ride that lasts but a moment: it’s real life, and these trials and tribulations will last for years.
In the back of our minds we’re deeply afraid. It’s one thing to talk about the end times, and speculate on what different scary events might happen in the world. It’s a whole different thing to know that those scary events are about to happen, right now.
I know that the prospect of what is to come upon the world is genuinely terrifying, but this video is to simply remind everyone, including myself, that we have no reason to fear the things that are coming upon this world.
When the time comes for us to face these trials and tribulations, whether that’s tomorrow or 2 years from now, God will give us all the courage and strength we need. ♦
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