Can We Know Who the Antichrist is Right Now? Should We Even Care Who He Is?

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. My channel is now going into its third year with about 110 videos to date, and so now might be a good time to address a couple of the more common objections to the idea that Trump could be the Antichrist.

There have certainly been a wide variety of comments on my videos over the last two plus years, with most people at least open to the idea of Trump possibly being the Antichrist, while others defend him as if he is the epitome of all that is good and righteous.

But today I want to talk specifically about two of the more common objections to Trump being the Antichrist, because these two objections are often used to immediately dismiss the argument out of hand, without further thought or consideration.

Those two objections are 1) “we cannot know the identity of the Antichrist right now since he has yet to be revealed” and 2) “why should we care who the Antichrist is since we won’t be here when he arrives on the scene?”

So, what can the bible tell us about those two things? Let’s take a few minutes to look at a couple of verses, and also use a bit of our God-given common sense to figure this out.

Is it true that we cannot know who the Antichrist is right now?

This belief is pretty common, and it’s mainly based on the concept of the pre-tribulation rapture in conjunction with the third verse of Second Thessalonians, chapter 2. That verse reads as follows:

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” From this verse we can see that a falling away, whatever that is, must happen before the man of sin is revealed.

According to those who believe the pre-tribulation rapture, the words “falling away” in this verse are interpreted as “departure”, as in a “departure from earth”, or the rapture. Since the rapture hasn’t yet happened, the man of sin hasn’t yet been revealed.

However, this verse is NOT referring to the rapture at all, and let me tell you exactly why.

As many of us know, the original Greek word used for “falling away” is apostasia, from which we get our word apostasy. This word does mean a departure or defection or even a revolt or rebellion. But what is being departed from?

According to the bible, it’s not a departure from the earth, it’s a departure from the faith. Several New Testament verses make it clear that there will be a falling away or departure from the faith in the last days.

Here are five of those verses on the screen right now, and it’s clear that this teaching is repeated throughout the New Testament.

And we can know that a falling away from the faith is what Paul meant in this verse as well, because Paul specifically mentions faith just a few verses later:

Here is Paul telling the Thessalonians to remain steadfast in the faith in verse 15: “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.”

That is the King James Version, and here is the Contemporary English Version which makes the verse even clearer: “My friends, this is why you must remain faithful and follow closely what we taught you in person and by our letters.”

We can now see that verse 3 refers to a falling away from the faith, not only because that’s a consistent teaching in the New Testament, and the truest meaning of the word apostasia, but because a few verses later Paul is reiterating the need to remain steadfast in the faith.

Paul is reminding the Thessalonians that a falling away from the faith, and the Antichrist being revealed, will happen before the return of Jesus, and they should watch that they also don’t fall away and become troubled by things they weren’t taught.

So we see that the argument that the rapture must happen before the Antichrist is revealed doesn’t hold water, because verse 3 isn’t even talking about the rapture. Instead, it’s a reference to how many Christians will abandon or walk away from the faith in the last days.

And as we just saw, this teaching is perfectly consistent with many other verses in the New Testament which also talk about the same thing: in the latter days some will turn away from the truth and turn to fables.

Beyond the fact that the rapture isn’t referenced in verse 3, and thus it can’t be used as a reason for not being able to identify the Antichrist, there are 4 other points that should make it clear we CAN know who the Antichrist is right now.

First, verse 3 connects the revealing of the Antichrist to a falling away from the faith – and this is something we HAVE seen over the past few years as millions of Christians have abandoned their faith in order to embrace someone who is the epitome of the man of sin.

Second, Jesus gave us signs to look out for before his second coming, and told us to watch ye therefor, and that he who perseveres to the end, the same shall be saved.

One of those signs was a reference to the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, as spoken by Daniel. This abomination is connected to the Antichrist, either his image or the actual man, and it’s one of the things we are to watch for according to Jesus.

Third, there is nothing in the bible that tells us we can’t know who the Antichrist is. On the contrary, we are actually given the specific character traits of this figure to help us do just that. The purpose of which is to make sure that we are NOT deluded into following him.

Fourth, the fact that some people are given over to a “strong delusion” because they didn’t love the truth and had pleasure in wickedness, means that there are ALSO people who are not under the strong delusion about the Antichrist.

And the reason some are not under the strong delusion is because they love the truth, which as the bible tells us, God’s word is truth. So those who love the truth will study the Word of God, and learn of the prophecies and descriptions about the Antichrist we’ve been given.

Let’s now move onto the second common objection to knowing who the Antichrist is.

Is it true that we shouldn’t care who the Antichrist is since we won’t be here?

The other common objection I mentioned is “why should we care who the Antichrist is since we won’t be here when he arrives on the scene.” Let’s talk about that for a moment.

I know that many of you watching this believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, which I do not. But I’m not going to try to talk you out of it here, except to say that it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to not understand who the Antichrist is. And here’s why I say that.

Even IF you’re right, and the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture is true, we simply don’t know how much of an overlap there might be between the Antichrist rising to power and deluding Christians, and the actual rapture event.

And that is important because that means many Christians can fall away from the faith just before the rapture, and will also be condemned along with the Antichrist. And that could happen because they didn’t care who he was, and fell under his spell.

You see, knowing who the Antichrist is can be the difference between being saved or being lost. Your eternal fate could be on the line – and not just yours, but also those around you who are Christian, such as your family, friends or fellow church members.

Chances are that some people in your life WON’T be raptured, and they will be here to deal with the Antichrist and the final Beast kingdom. Wouldn’t it make sense for them to know who the Antichrist is, as soon as possible, so even if they’re still here they won’t follow him?

And that’s why we need to know who the Antichrist is. So that we won’t be deluded by him, and we won’t follow him down the road to perdition. Studying the bible to learn about the Antichrist is one of the more important things we can do in these last days.

Finally, I know that some of you watching this video do not think it’s possible that the Antichrist is Donald J. Trump. For whatever reason, you just can’t wrap your head around that idea.

However, please don’t just ignore that possibility. If you haven’t done so, please study your bible and look into the specific character traits of the Antichrist. Now pay attention to Trump, and notice if he matches each and every one of those traits.

And that’s the whole point of this video: not only that we CAN know who the Antichrist is right now, but according to how the bible describes him he’s already here, right under our noses, and is deluding Christians by the millions.

That’s all for this video, so thanks for watching. If you care to leave a comment, please do. As always, kindly be respectful in any comment you leave, especially toward those with whom you disagree. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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