Casting Truth to the Ground

One of the more defining traits of Donald Trump is his utter lack of regard for the truth. He will simply say anything he wants in the moment, as long as it makes him look good.

Trump’s view of the truth as being unimportant was once again on display a couple of days ago, just before he took the stage at the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention in Chicago.

Of course, the big news to come out of Trump’s appearance were his statements about whether Kamala Harris was actually black, but a new article on Axios has some interesting quotes as to something else that happened.

“Trump did not want to be fact-checked live and was refusing to go on stage, NABJ president Ken Lemon told Axios. [Trump’s team] said, ‘Well, can you not fact check? He’s not going to take the stage if you fact-check,’ Lemon said.”

“The Q&A with the GOP presidential nominee was delayed more than an hour … At the time, President Trump blamed the delay on audio problems. Lemon told Axios, ‘There were audio problems, but they were resolved very quickly.’”

“‘The bigger problem was his threat not to take the stage when he had agreed to go on. He did not want to be fact-checked, but we could not let him on the stage without fact-checking,’ Lemon said. The stalemate was so prolonged that NABJ leaders were prepared to explain to the audience of nearly 2,000 people why Trump would not appear.”

“‘I was prepared to go on stage to craft a statement, saying he decided not to go on stage because of fact-checking… we couldn’t compromise on that.’ As Lemon was preparing that statement, Trump walked onto the stage. In the aftermath, members remain divided on whether it was right for NABJ to extend the invitation and give a platform to Trump. Some said it was embarrassing; others praised the interviewers for their tough questioning.”

“Brittany Cummings, a communications professional, was among the members who didn’t think the organization should have extended the invitation to Trump. ‘I’m not sure that any group of journalists has the ‘secret sauce’ to make him tell the truth and speak as a normal candidate would,’ she said. ‘He’s not a normal candidate, so we can’t treat him as such.’”

Trump not being a “normal candidate” might be the understatement of the year. And that’s because there IS something seriously _abnormal_ about Trump in almost everything he says and does.

But getting back to Donald Trump’s lack of regard for the truth, some of you watching this video may not know that the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will specifically cast truth to the ground.

But in addition, the Antichrist is described as a king of fierce countenance who understands what the Bible refers to as “dark sentences”

Indeed, Trump has mastered an ability to skim around the edges of truth, or mix in just a bit of truth with outright lies, or simply repeat the same lie over and over again until many start to believe it IS true.

And that’s what makes it so difficult to get the truth out of Trump. Because no matter what he says, no matter how long he speaks, and no matter how much it might seem like he’s being honest … in reality, all that he says is only intended to glorify himself. ♦

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