In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of chaos going on right now in the House of Representatives, as GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has failed once again to win enough votes to become Speaker of the House.
The latest vote on Tuesday was the third attempt to find the 218 votes necessary for him to win, and to put that into perspective, it’s been 100 years since the last time more than one ballot was necessary to elect a Speaker.
The republicans opposing McCarthy are now up to 20, with all of them voting for Jim Jordan. For his part, Jordan said he does not want the job of Speaker of the House, perhaps recognizing that he has virtually no chance of attaining the necessary votes anyway.
Jordan is a die-hard Trump supporter, and when asked back in April 2018 whether he had ever heard Trump tell a lie, Jordan famously said “I have not” and “nothing comes to mind”. He added, “I don’t know that [Trump has ever] said something wrong that he needs to apologize for.”
Trump, for his part, has backed Kevin McCarthy in his quest for Speaker. Apparently, though, that is not enough to convince republicans opposing McCarthy to change their minds. In fact, with each subsequent vote, McCarthy’s path seems to be getting more difficult.
So that brings us back to one Donald J. Trump, and the various rumors last year that he might seek out Speaker of the House for himself. In fact, about a year and a half ago I briefly discussed this very rumor. Here’s a short clip from that video.
So, all of this bears watching, especially if Kevin McCarthy continues to lose support for becoming Speaker of the House. As Karl Rove said earlier today, “This is an utter, unmitigated disaster. Chaos tends to bring about chaos until it no longer brings about chaos.”
When I read his quote about chaos, I could only think of one man. The Master of Chaos himself. The question then is, does all of this chaos result in Trump being give a crown? The crown of Speaker of the House? Stay tuned.
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