Did God Save Trump?

Last night Donald Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention. Here is he is being introduced to the music of “Back in Black” by AC/DC.

The first half hour of Trump’s speech was generally well received as he recounted the assassination attempt, but unfortunately he then went on for another hour, resorting to his usual attacks on his enemies. He ended up with the longest acceptance speech in history.

When it was all over, Trump emerged from the convention a Republican Caesar, as The Bulwark phrased it. A figure of immense power and cultural sway with few if any guardrails to hold back his ambitions.

All of this followed a busy week at the RNC, where they had a prayer for a pagan god, a speech given by a porn star, references to Trumpamania, talk about how tough Trump is, and multiple claims that God had unquestionably saved Donald Trump’s life.

The fact that Trump’s life was spared does NOT mean it was God who did it. In fact, the Bible tells us that the spirits of devils will perform miracles in the end times.

Since Trump already lines up with how the Bible describes the Antichrist, then, yes, god did indeed save Donald Trump’s life. The god of this world.

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