Donald Trump and Jesus Christ

Over the last few days I have been going through some older comments on my videos, in order to weed out the trolls, and I happened to notice that one specific type of comment kept coming up repeatedly. Here are a few examples of the type of comment I’m talking about.

Trump is a baby Christian.
Trump believes in Jesus Christ.
Trump is a born again Christian.
Trump has said that Jesus is the boss.
Trump has said that Jesus is the Lord.
Trump has accepted Jesus into his life.
Trump always talks about Jesus Christ.
Trump has proclaimed Jesus as his savior.
Trump has acknowledged Jesus as the Christ.
Trump said that Jesus is the savior of the world.
And on and on.

So, the question is not whether or not Trump actually said some of these things, because he did, but whether or not he was being sincere when he said them. In other words, does Donald Trump REALLY believe that Jesus is our savior?

To answer this question, let’s first think about what it means to actually become a Christian.

The Bible teaches us that we must acknowledge that we are sinners. We must ask God’s forgiveness for those sins. We must accept Jesus into our lives as the savior from our sins. And we must turn away from a sinful lifestyle.

Thus, we can see that our asking God for forgiveness from our sins is central to the idea of being a Christian. Without our asking the Father for forgiveness, we are denying the need for a Savior in the Son.

That is important, because back in 2015 at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, Trump specifically stated that he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness. Here’s the video clip.

A week after saying that at the Family Leadership Summit, Trump was interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN, and was asked to clarify his statement that he doesn’t seek God’s forgiveness. Here’s that video.

So, from Trump’s own words in those two interviews, we know the following 5 things about him:

  1. He’s not sure if he has ever asked God for forgiveness
  2. He doesn’t bring God into that picture
  3. He looks to himself to make things better
  4. He sees communion as a form of forgiveness
  5. He doesn’t think he needs to ask forgiveness because he’s not making mistakes

Those 5 things make it clear that Donald Trump does NOT ask God for forgiveness. And by not asking God for forgiveness, he is denying the forgiveness that only the Father can give us, and he is denying the need for a Savior in the Son.

This means that anything he says about Jesus Christ is insincere.

Why, then, does he say things such as “Jesus is the boss,” or that Jesus Christ is more popular than he is? Especially to a roomful of Christians?

Because he’s pandering.

Trump is known to pander to ANY person or ANY group that praises him. For example, here he is holding a gay pride flag. The reason? Because on it was a message supporting Donald Trump.

It is clear that Donald Trump doesn’t truly believe that Jesus is our savior, or his, because he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness. He doesn’t bring God into that picture.

He doesn’t even see himself as someone who makes mistakes, but if he does, he looks to himself for forgiveness, not God.

Donald Trump is pandering to Christians when he says anything about Jesus Christ. And rather than believe him, Christians need to wake up to the fact that they are being conned. ♦

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