Donald Trump and the Blues Brothers

Donald Trump is an extraordinarily unique individual in many ways. Not only extremely wealthy, but his name is known in virtually every country. Even his former press secretary stated that Trump’s name was the most popular word in the English language and possibly around the world.

“… play golf at Trump Bedminster, he goes play golf at Trump up in Sterling and everybody asks the question ‘Is that not a huge marketing opportunity?’ I would simply ask you all to consider the possibility that Donald Trump’s brand is probably strong enough as it is and he doesn’t need any more help on that. It’s the recognizable name in the English language and probably around the world right now.”

Trump achieved all of these things despite multiple business failures, bankruptcies, and broken marriages, demonstrating that his ambition and tenacity were second to none.

In addition, Trump also became one of only a few dozen individuals in history to become President of the United States. To oversee a nation that has such immense military power that it dwarfs every other country in the world.

But despite all of these things, there is something else you need to know: Donald J. Trump doesn’t ask God for forgiveness because he doesn’t have to. He simply doesn’t make mistakes. We know this because Trump himself told us.

Back in 2015, a week after Trump’s appearance at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, at which he stated that he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness, Trump was asked for clarification by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Trump responded to Cooper like this:

“Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?” asked Trump.

Now, to you or me or any of us mere mortals, it might be hard to understand how someone doesn’t make any mistakes, but in Trump’s case he has a very good reason. You see, anything that goes wrong in his life, whether legally or ethically or morally, is the fault of someone else.

Instead of taking responsibility for his own words and actions over the last few years, Trump has blamed RINO’s, Never Trumpers, Liberals, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Media, the disloyal, the haters, and on and on. No matter what happens, it’s simply not his fault.

For the longest time I was trying to think of who this reminded me of. Someone who always had a ready made excuse and never, ever took responsibility for their own actions. Then it hit me. Trump is channeling Jake Blues in the Blues Brothers.

“I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend come in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locust. It wasn’t my fault I swear to God!”

Donald J. Trump: It’s never, ever, his fault.

Thank you for watching this short video and I’ll be back in a couple of days with another installment of “The Strong Delusion” starring Donald J. Trump. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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