Donald Trump Is the Great Peacemaker

On Truth Social today, Donald Trump posted a reminder that he will be the Great Peacemaker that the world so desperately needs, and that he is the only one who can do this. Here is his post.

“Weak Joe Biden is only now scrambling to fix the DISASTER he created in the Middle East because he’s afraid of losing the Election. He is an incompetent person who chose to fund Iranian Terror with our Tax Dollars. We HAD Peace in the Middle East, and we can have it again, but it won’t be with Joe Biden in office.

NO NEW WARS WHEN I WAS PRESIDENT – A FIRST IN MODERN HISTORY! NO MORE WARS. NO MORE TERROR. NO MORE CIVILIANS DYING. NONE OF THIS SHOULD EVER HAVE HAPPENED. It’s all because of Weak Biden’s INCOMPETENCE. I will fix his mess, and bring Peace to ALL Parties once again, and we’ll get it done FAST!”

Trump has previously claimed that he will prevent World War 3, bring peace to the entire world, including ending the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours. He is the one to bring us peace and security. And this is where Christians need to wake up to what’s going on.

You see, the Bible describes a final end-times figure we call the Antichrist. This man, according to the Bible, has the mouth of a lion, literally roaring when he speaks. He is extraordinarily boastful and magnifies himself in his own heart.

He is described as a vile person – meaning he is sordid and crass, and lacks simple human decency. He is also said to care so little for the truth that he casts it to the ground as if it were worthless.

This man will also be beloved in Israel and within the Christian church. He will disguise himself as being a force for good, when in fact he seeks only to elevate his own name above all others.

Importantly, the Bible teaches us that this same end-times figure will have a covenant with many between Israel and her neighbors. He will be the one that they will say “peace and security” about, before he breaks his own covenant and plunges the world into the great tribulation.

This man of sin will eventually betray Israel and turn his back on Christians because he will seek to elevate himself above all others. In his own mind, it’s all about him, and it always was.

Not only do all of these descriptions for the Antichrist perfectly match Donald J. Trump, but the worst part is that his rise to world power, and his eventual betrayal of Israel and Christianity, is being aided and abetted by Christians. ♦

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