Is Barron Trump the Antichrist?

I often receive comments on my videos suggesting that Barron Trump could possibly be the Antichrist, since his father is going to be 79 years old this summer, and might not have too many years left. Barron recently turned 18 years old, so this is a good time to briefly address this.

When looking at recent pictures of Barron, especially when surrounded by his family, his height certainly stands out. He is reportedly 6 foot, 7 inches tall, and towers over his father, and is also taller than any of his siblings.

The Bible, for its part, doesn’t say that Antichrist will be tall, or short, so we have to look elsewhere to make the case that Barron could be this figure.

As it turns out, there is one main reason that some people think that Barron might be the Antichrist. That reason is because of the Bible verse that references “the last Trump”, and as far as his immediate family goes, Barron would be the last Trump. The verse reads as follows:

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” – 1 Corinthians 15:52

Anecdotally, there was a book called Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey back in 1888, which detailed the adventures of a ten year old boy named Baron Trump. Some try to make the case that the Trump family are time travelers, a view which I do not hold.

There was also a lesser known short science fiction story by Isaac Asimov called “The Last Trump”, which was published back in the June, 1955 issue of Fantastic Universe. That story was an offbeat look at the Day of Resurrection.

Beyond that Bible verse about “the last trump”, the 1888 book about Baron Trump’s adventures, and the little known 1950’s science fiction story called “The Last Trump”, what else is there that could possibly tie Barron to the biblical Antichrist? The answer is, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

In fact, every single one of the Bible’s descriptions for the Antichrist do not match anything we know about Barron. The Antichrist is described as a loudmouthed, boastful man who magnifies himself above others. He is also a vile person who has no regard for the truth.

The Antichrist has a middle east covenant, is obsessed with money, especially gold, and honors the god Apollo in his estate. And the Antichrist is accepted, even beloved, in Israel, and within the Christian church.

So, looking at the Bible’s descriptions of the character traits for the Antichrist, none of those things line up with Barron. But with his father? He is a perfect match. ♦

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