Is Biden the ‘Raiser of Taxes’ in Daniel 11:20?

For those interested in Bible prophecy, there is a fascinating headline today on FOX Business, which states that the Trump campaign is blasting Biden for the largest tax hike ever.

What makes that headline interesting from a biblical prophecy standpoint is Daniel 11:20, which talks about a raiser of taxes. That verse reads:

“Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.” – Daniel 11:20

Now, I’ve never had a strong conviction that Biden IS the person referenced in Daniel 11:20, but I’m starting to think that is a possibility. And the reason I say that is because of the next verse, which reads:

“And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.”

There simply could not be a better description for Donald J. Trump than “a vile person.” I should also point out that the word flatteries is rendered as intrigue in some translations, with the Douay-Rheims Bible stating that he will obtain the kingdom by fraud.

So, we have verse 20’s reference to a raiser of taxes, and Biden’s tax hikes now being called the largest tax hikes ever. And we have verse 21’s reference to a vile person replacing the raiser of taxes, with Donald Trump being the epitome of the word “vile.”

Going forward, we should expect that the Trump campaign will continue to loudly talk about Biden as raising taxes, while in turn, I would not be surprised if the Biden campaign starts to specifically refer to Donald Trump as a vile man. ♦

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