McCarthy Empowers MAGA While Trump Waits in the Wings

Late last night Kevin McCarthy finally secured the necessary votes to become Speaker of the House, a position he so desperately craved. But in doing so he not only gave away much of the power of the Speaker, he enabled certain far-right elements to have an out-sized role going forward.

The most conservative and farthest-right bloc within the House Republican Conference is the Freedom Caucus, who are unapologetically pro-MAGA, loyal to Trump, and also the primary reason that McCarthy needed to concede so much power to become Speaker.

Among the concessions that McCarthy gave the Freedom Caucus include allowing only one House member to file a motion to “vacate the chair”, or to replace McCarthy, while also allowing Freedom Caucus members to have seats on the powerful House Rules Committee.

McCarthy acquiescing to the Freedom Caucus has weakened the power of the Speaker position to such an extent that there is a widespread belief that he will not only have difficulty getting things done, but that his tenure as speaker could be very short-lived.

So in a few months we could very well be watching a repeat of the chaos from this past week, as McCarthy’s inability to control different factions on the right could likely see several motions to “vacate the chair”, meaning that his time as Speaker will come to an abrupt end.

And if that happens, guess who will be waiting in the wings to come to the rescue? That’s right: one Donald John Trump. He may not have become Speaker this time, but don’t rule that possibility out at a later point this year.

In the meantime, and even though Trump isn’t in power right now, the pro-Trump members of congress will be getting new opportunities to go after those that have opposed Trump in recent years. And make no mistake about it, what Trump and his supporters want above all else is vengeance.

Speaking of Trump, yesterday he made a rather strange comment on Truth Social in which he talked about 2024 being a monster. The fact that he both capitalized and put in quotation marks the word “Monster” gave many the impression that he was referring to himself. Chances are, he was.

And this brings up my last point, which is the speed at which events are progressing. Even the 2024 election which Trump referenced once seemed so far off into the future. Now, we’re already into 2023, and 2024 will be here in a blink of an eye.

There’s a saying that time itself has downhill momentum, meaning that as more time passes, the faster it seems to go. The years and even decades seem to quickly disappear into the rear view mirror. Those of us who are a bit older understand this perfectly.

And perhaps time IS going faster nowadays. Remember Matthew 24:22 talking about the days being shortened? Perhaps, just perhaps, the meaning of this verse is that time itself will be sped up during the end times. And if that’s true, then we REALLY don’t have much time left.

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