I want to talk about rider of the Red Horse, the second of the infamous four horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation. And whether the Russia-Ukraine war is an indication that the Red Horse is now on the scene.
As we know, Revelation 6 starts off with the White Horse, whose rider is the Antichrist. As any of you who watch my videos certainly know, I am convinced that the rider of the White Horse is none other than Donald J. Trump.
I should note that in recent weeks a number of people have been pushing the idea that the Antichrist is actually Ukrainian’s President Zelensky. Interestingly, this theory seems to be most popular among those who are sympathetic to Russia and Vladimir Putin.
However, if we simply take an honest look at what the bible actually teaches us about the characteristics of the Antichrist, then Zelensky, just like Obama, Macron and others before him, does not match those biblical descriptions nearly as much as Trump does.
Getting back to Revelation 6, the white horse represents the Antichrist coming on the scene, and is followed by the red horse. The imagery for the red horse is quite stark, and here’s the verse we’re talking about:
“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
When we read about the Red Horse taking peace from the earth, we’re reminded of the verse where Jesus spoke about wars and rumors of wars in the last days. That verse reads:
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom”
Of course, it seem like wars are always happening somewhere – if there’s one thing humanity seems to specialize in, it would definitely be going to war. For example, I recently read a stat that the United States has been at war over 93% of the time since it began in 1776.
But is there anything that might make the Red Horse and HIS war any different from all of these other wars that have taken place over the years? And, looking at current events, could the rider of this Red Horse be Vladimir Putin?
Revelation 6, verse 4 can actually be divided into six parts, and looking at each of these six parts separately will help us gain some additional insight into the prophecy as a whole Here are the six parts.
- The horse is colored red – The most obvious reason for the color red is that it symbolizes the bloodshed that the rider of the red horse brings upon the world. It’s interesting to note, however, that the color red is also very prominent on the world scene in other ways, such the color RED being associated with communism, the RED, white and blue of America’s flag, and the two major political parties in the US symbolized by the colors RED and blue.
- Power was given unto him – We read in Revelation 13 that Satan is described as giving power to the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns. The bible does make it clear in other verses that this world is Satan’s, and he can choose to give power to whomsoever he will. There is, however, a scenario where the rider of the red horse is given power in some sort of alliance, perhaps even an alliance that only lasts for only one hour.
- That sat thereon – Who is the rider on the red horse? If current events are to influence our thinking, then the leading contender might be Vladimir Putin. Ironically, one of the more famous pictures of Putin in recent years is of him riding a horse. That’s not biblical evidence, of course, but it is, at the very least, an odd coincidence.
- Takes peace from the earth – Considering how rarely the earth has actually been at peace, this is an interesting phrase. Was the world really at peace before Putin invaded Ukraine? That’s highly debatable, and to me the connotation is that the Red Horse appears at a time when there is some sort of worldwide peace treaty already in place.
- They should kill one another – The “kill one another” line implies that the rider of the Red Horse is as much instigator as he is perpetrator. Or, at the very least, that the rider enjoys the strategy of war. It’s war for the sake of war.
- Given unto him a great sword – Certainly a “great sword” would evoke images of a nuclear bomb. That he was GIVEN this great sword is an interesting phrase, as it almost implies that the rider of the Red Horse didn’t have one before he was given one.
So, taking all these things into consideration, are we now at a point where the Red Horse has been unleashed? Before I answer that, let me say that I do think that too many Christians have a tendency to see every major event in the world as fulfilling prophecy in some way.
I think this is a mistake, and instead we should understand that SOME events in the end times aren’t specifically mentioned in bible prophecy, but instead are important lead-ups to a larger event fulfilling prophecy. And I believe that’s the case with the Russia/Ukraine war.
Here’s why I say that. The Red Horse apparently comes on the scene when there is worldwide peace, which certainly wasn’t the case with this war. And Putin is most definitely methodical in what he does, not a war monger or war-for-the-sake-of-war type of leader.
Nor did Putin need to be given a great sword, as all kinds of weapons were at his disposal many years before this war began, from conventional to chemical to nuclear. Just because this IS a major war, doesn’t mean that the Red Horse is now on the scene.
All of that is not to say, however, that this isn’t an important step toward prophecy being fulfilled. The Russian/Ukraine war may very well be an pivotal factor in helping the Antichrist return to power.
This war is yet one more thing that makes Biden appear weak in the eyes of many, especially those who pine for a certain American strongman to reemerge on the scene. To millions of Americans, this war is yet another failure of American leadership, similar to Afghanistan.
Trump is not only seen as that strong leader who would stand up to Putin, but in addition, his reemergence would enable him to become the Great Peacemaker who saves us all from the chaos and destruction going on worldwide.
After Trump returns, he could broker a large-scale peace treaty to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict. But that might also include an expansion of the Abraham Accords, which would elevate him from being leader of the free world to becoming the leader of the entire world.
And an expansion of the Abraham Accords to include many other nations, including Russia and Ukraine, would absolutely be the Covenant with Many that is prophesied to come. At that time, in the eyes of many, the world would finally be at peace.
So, if the Russia-Ukraine war isn’t the Red Horse arriving on the scene, when would that happen? I believe the bible actually gives us a couple of clues about this, based on references in a few different verses. Here is a general timeline I think is plausible based on the bible.
- The Red Horse comes on the scene at a time when there is peace in the world. Everyone is talking about how there’s finally peace and security, and then sudden destruction comes via a world war. This alludes to a time after the Covenant with Many is confirmed, perhaps 3 and ½ years after.
- The Red Horse could be one of the 10 Horns. According to Revelation 6:4, the Red Horse is given both power and a great sword, and in a similar manner, Revelation 17:12 describes the 10 Horns as receiving power for one hour with the Beast.
- The Antichrist responds to the actions of the rider of the Red Horse by going forth conquering and to conquer. This leads not only to the destruction of 3 of the 10 Horns, but to the Antichrist breaking his own Covenant and sitting in the 3rd temple, proclaiming himself as savior of the world.
To sum things up, I don’t believe that the Russia-Ukraine war means that the Red Horse is on the scene. I do think, however, that this war is an important step in bringing Trump back to power, as he is the one seen as being capable of standing up to Putin.
Not only will this war help Trump get back in power, but it also presents him with an opportunity to be a worldwide peacemaker, not only resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but expanding the Covenant with Many.
The Red Horse will take peace from the earth, which in my view means that the Covenant with Many will already be in place. In addition, the rider of the Red Horse might be one of the 10 Horns, since both are “given power” in the last days.
And finally, the actions of the rider of the Red Horse could be what prompts the Antichrist to go out conquering and to conquer, including breaking his own Covenant with Many, and seating himself in the 3rd temple, shewing himself to be God.
By the way, I know some will connect this war to the Gog and Magog prophecy. I don’t believe that is a sound interpretation, but I’ll cover it in a future video as there’s a lot to go through with that particular prophecy.
That’s a lot to digest, I know, but those are a few of my thoughts on the Red Horse. Please let me know if you agree, or if you have a different interpretation of the Red Horse and the Russia-Ukraine war.
As always, kindly be respectful in any comment you leave, especially towards those with whom you disagree. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦
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