Spirit of the Antichrist

I happened to see a video that covered some of the more interesting reactions outside the New York courthouse after Trump’s guilty verdict. One of them stood out above all the others. Check out what this one man said.

“The Supreme Court will probably give him a pass. But for one day we can look at this – and this is not just republicans or democrats – this is about the Kingdom of God. They made this man out of a latter day Jesus Christ. They told me that over there! And I told them he’s got the spirit of the Antichrist.”

He said he was speaking with other people, and they said that Trump was a latter day Jesus Christ.

Think about that for a second. Would any other politician – or any other person on the world scene – be described in these kind of terms?

Let me play that again, and listen to the outrage in his voice as he describes being told that Trump is a latter day Jesus Christ.

“The Supreme Court will probably give him a pass. But for one day we can look at this – and this is not just republicans or democrats – this is about the Kingdom of God. They made this man out of a latter day Jesus Christ. They told me that over there! And I told them he’s got the spirit of the Antichrist.”

This man is 100% correct. Because whether or not you believe that Trump is the FINAL Antichrist, like I do, there is no question that he does have the spirit of the Antichrist. ♦

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