The Brandon Biggs Prophecy

Many of us have heard of Brandon Biggs, and his alleged prophecy a few months back about the assassination attempt on Trump, which included a reference to how a bullet would whiz by Trump’s ear.

For many Christians, this simply HAD to be a true prophecy from God. There was no other way to describe how accurate Brandon Biggs was, especially considering how he did emphasize Trump’s ear in his prophecy.

Because I had a number of comments on my videos about what Biggs said, I was going to do a deep dive video into his alleged prophecy. I already knew that there were many issues with what he has said in the past, and so I had a general idea of what I wanted to say.

However, before starting work on my own video, I discovered that someone else has, in fact, already made a deep dive video about Brandon Biggs, and he did it better than I could ever hope to do.

That video was from about a week ago, and it was done by a Christian man named Mike Winger. His video, which is titled “The NEW and Dangerous False Prophet,” is very, very well done.

It is an exhaustive look at Brandon Biggs, the many troubling things he has said, and doesn’t hold back on any criticisms. The video clocks in at over 2½ hours long and it is well worth watching every moment.

I don’t want to take credit for any work that Mike Winger has already done on this, so rather than show parts of his video in my video, I’m going to simply redirect everyone over to his channel.

Below in the description field is a link to the full 2½ hour video by Mike Winger. I am also putting a link to his video in the comments, and I’ll pin that to the top so everyone can find it easily.

Some of you might have already seen his video, since it already has over 340,000 views, but in case you haven’t, I suggest checking it out when you get a bit of time.

And finally, Mike gave his video the perfect title, because Brandon Biggs IS a dangerous false prophet. ♦

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