The Darkness of Donald Trump

Donald Trump was never really viewed as an honest man. His reputation for not only exaggerating the truth, but for simply casting it aside as a non-factor, was known for several decades before his even getting involved in politics.

Over the years he cheated on his wives, bragged about having affairs with married women, cheated contractors out of money he owed them, used his charity for his own benefit, and even pretended to be someone else in order to compliment himself.

There are many articles online documenting the stunning willingness of Trump to do whatever he wanted in order to get whatever he desired. In many ways, his life has been one big con, all designed to perpetuate the myth of a brilliant and successful billionaire.

Despite this track record of dishonesty that almost everyone can recognize except his hardcore supporters, I would contend that Trump has actually been getting worse over the past couple of months.

Check out this video clip from The Bulwark, one of the few remaining conservative sites that are unafraid to criticize Trump.

Trump is now no longer content to simply stretch the truth in order to promote himself or deceive others, he now peddles in lies so blatant, and now spews gossip so unfounded, that he is clearly embracing his own worst tendencies.

And yet, much of the abject darkness that surrounds him remains unnoticed by many Christians. He has worn us down by the sheer magnitude of his dishonesty, as every day he says even more things that are simply untrue.

His repetition of lies is designed to not only elevate himself above others, but to denigrate and even destroy all of those who might oppose him. He is the king of dark sentences – willing to say absolutely anything he chooses. The truth be damned.

But the greatest evil in what Trump is deliberately doing to the truth could be in how so many Christians either can’t see it, or refuse to acknowledge it. They remain silent lest they be ridiculed by other Christians.

These Christians are akin to the townspeople in the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” who even though they know better, go along with the deception until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. Coincidentally, that story was written by Hans Christian Andersen.

Not so coincidentally, the Bible speaks of how we must become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And that we are not to participate in the works of darkness, but instead expose them.

So, just like the child in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, let us also speak the truth about Donald Trump, because in this case, the emperor is not only without clothes, he is without a shred of human decency. ♦

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