The Donald J. Trump Jukebox

So just when you thought Donald Trump would run out of things to sell online, I do have some exciting news for you. A friend of the channel pointed out to me that Donald Trump is now selling jukeboxes!

I know that sounds like a joke, but this really is the latest item being sold by the huckster-in-chief, and if you’re interested, one of these will cost you a cool $2,500.

Now, the bad news is that, apparently, there are only 20 of these left, but considering they probably started out with only 20, or maybe 21, perhaps they’re not exactly selling like hot cakes.

I should add, though, that the description does make this sound like it would be worth your twenty-five hundred bucks. Listen to this:


Bring home the iconic jukebox proudly displayed in President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago office. This masterpiece combines classic nostalgia with modern features like Bluetooth streaming, a digital AM/FM radio tuner, and a CD player, all powering four built-in stereo speakers.

Illuminate your space with four LED lighting patterns and enhance its presence with the optional ST12 Jukebox Stand for added storage and the perfect height. Finished with premium craftsmanship, this jukebox is more than entertainment – it’s a tribute to American tradition and leadership.

Now, I was going to buy one of these, but it seems that the shipping is another $250, and that put me way over my budget. After all, I already blew all my money on a Trump guitar a few months back! (just kidding)

It doesn’t say how long it might take for you to receive this wonderful jukebox, which is odd, because by comparison the Trump Golden Age Edition Bible says it will take 16 to 20 weeks!

In other words, the Bible shipment has yet to leave China, so please allow another four or five months before you get it.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that there are a number of people who watch the videos on my channel who would just LOVE to spend a couple of grand on this work of art.

But you may be thinking to yourself, “Paul, if I fork over $2,500 for the Donald J. Trump jukebox, what kind of music should I play on it? Would patriotic tunes be the best choice, since he cares so much for our country? Something Christian, perhaps, as he’s a man of faith?”

In fact, I was thinking about this very thing a little while ago, so if you do make the wise decision to skip your monthly mortgage payment and instead buy a Donald J. Trump jukebox, here are a few suggestions for what I think is appropriate music to play.

So, there you have it … the one and only Donald J. Trump jukebox. Only $2,500 plus shipping. Order yours today … because there’s only 20 left! ♦

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