This Bothers Me About Trump (and I don’t know why)

A little more than two years ago I did a video called “The Absurdity of Donald J. Trump”, in which I talked about – not how he lines up with the biblical Antichrist, which he does – but about how there are so many other odd things about him.

For example, I discussed his astounding immaturity, and how his silly name calling and other childish behavior would be embarrassing at almost any age, let alone for a man who is now 78 years old. And yet, he seems to wear his immaturity as if it’s a badge of honor.

I also talked about Trump’s strange lack of laughter. How not only is video or audio of him having a genuine and audible laugh near impossible to find, he rarely even smiles unless someone is complimenting him or denigrating one of his enemies.

In that video I also mentioned how Trump and animals seem to be mortal enemies. While many people are not fond of having animals around, for their part animals seem to prefer not having Donald Trump around.

I talked about Trump’s extremely unusual forward-leaning posture, and the videos of him swaying slightly back and forth in order to keep his balance. How he is likely exaggerating his height to such an extent with lifts, that at times he almost seems about to fall over.

Finally, in that video I covered the absurdities that come out of Trump’s mouth. And I don’t mean just the outright lies, but how the plain silliness of some of Trump’s statements is truly breathtaking. For example, his claim to have saved Christmas – another case of Trump portraying himself as a savior.

But what is truly remarkable about some of these silly statements of Trump’s is that many of his supporters believe them as if they were the gospel truth. He can exaggerate things to an almost comical level, and yet they’re swallowed hook, line and sinker by those who love him.

Now in the grand scheme of things, none of that is evidence that Trump is the Antichrist, or are any of those things evil in their own right. But they do point to the fact that so much about Trump is an outlier to what we would consider normalcy.

Along those lines, I wanted to bring up two additional traits of Trump that also serve to illustrate how much of an unusual character he is, and one of these things bothers me but I don’t know exactly why.

The first one has been mentioned many, many times in the videos on my channel, and it has to do with how so many of us are literally repulsed by the sound of Trump’s voice. There’s simply something about the way he speaks and sounds that is sickening.

In fact I also feel that way sometimes, and often need to take a day or two off from listening to Trump. Of course, making the kind of videos I do requires that I listen to him a LOT, but I have found that his voice drains me in a strange way.

And oddly enough, there are also Trump supporters who seemingly can only take so much of listening to him. Videos online show people at his rallies often leaving early – way early – because they have heard enough.

However, I want to talk about one more thing other than the sound of his voice, and it’s something that I’ve never discussed before, at least not more than a passing reference. It’s how unsettling his signature is.

Now, disregarding the strange fact that Trump has a tendency to flaunt his signature as if it’s a great work of art, his signature seems to exude an ugliness – even an evil – on a subconscious level. His preference to use a sharpie when signing his name only adds to this perception.

In fact, his signature is SO unusual that it’s been compared to an evil EKG; an evil sound wave; a lie detector; and even to a heart arrhythmia or heart attack.

There were even those who converted Trump’s signature into an audio wave form to see what it sounded like. Here is one example.

Handwriting experts state that the numerous sharp points indicate a lack of empathy, a lust for power and extreme ambition. A willingness to attack in order to get what he wants.

Perhaps more than anything, his signature symbolizes his extreme ego. A mark that screams “look at me” and how bold and forceful I am.

But, just like the sound of his voice, there’s something about his signature that bothers me – and I don’t know why. Everything about it seems evil.

Let me know your thoughts below and I will talk to you guys soon. ♦

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