Trump Curses in ‘Church’

Yesterday I did a short video in which I talked about how Trump used an expletive at his Las Vegas rally, which took place on Sunday, June 9th. Several of the comments on my video noted how Trump also did this at a church a couple of days prior. So, here’s what happened.

A few days before his appearance in Las Vegas, Trump was in Phoenix, AZ on Thursday, June 6th, for what was billed as a town hall type of event, with him taking questions from the audience.

The town hall was sponsored by Turning Point PAC and Turning Point Action. Turning Point Action is the political arm of Turning Point USA, the conservative political advocacy group founded by Charlie Kirk, and who was also the host for the town hall.

The venue that Turning Point PAC and Turning Point Action rented for the event is located at 13613 N. Cave Creek Road, in Phoenix, Arizona. And, indeed, this happens to be a church.

More specifically, it’s The Dream City Church. This same church had also hosted a previous Trump rally back in June of 2020, during the pandemic.

If that sounds familiar, it is the same church where church officials claimed that they had installed an air purification system that could kill “99.9%” of COVID-19 within 10 minutes.

In addition, The Dream City Church used to be known as The First Assembly of God of the City of Phoenix, and we know that because the church, under its old name but at the same address, had received nearly $2 million dollars from the PPP program during the pandemic.

There are also various news reports of a school affiliated with Dream City Church having received over $900,000 in Arizona school voucher funds between July 2022 and June 2023.

Under its new name, Dream City Church has rented its facilities for a myriad of conservative events, and Thursday’s town hall was another in a long line. This was not, however, any kind of church service or even sponsored by the church directly.

Here now is a short segment of what Trump said at the event, and please note there is a bit of cursing on this. Also pay attention to how Trump says he shouldn’t use a certain word because of the children sitting in the front row, but then proceeds to do so anyway.

So there you have Trump cursing again, and once again the crowd is chanting right along with him. At this point, Trump could say ANYTHING, and a portion of the crowd would pick it up and start chanting it, if he asked them to.

But I did want to point out that this was NOT at a church service per se, but it WAS located inside of a church building, which had rented out its facilities to be used for the town hall.

One more thing I wanted to mention, and this was also brought up in the comments on my last video. At Trump’s Las Vegas speech, Republican Party of Nevada Chair Michael McDonald thanked God for the chance to “worship and bring back” Donald Trump. Here’s that clip. ♦

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