Trump Suffers Head Wound

In what was a shocking event yesterday, Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt – coming just inches away from killing him. It is one of those stunning moments in history where everyone remembers where they were when they heard the news.

There is even a photo which appears to show the bullet a split second before it grazed Trump’s ear, fired by the would-be assassin from the rooftop of a nearby building.

The most memorable image to come out of what happened is undoubtedly Trump raising his fist in the air and mouthing the word “fight” to his supporters. This image will undoubtedly be widely used to rally his base, and perhaps even influence undecided voters.

In fact, this very thing happened back in 1981 with the shooting of then President Ronald Reagan. Before the assassination attempt on Reagan, he was widely perceived as a divisive figure – but afterwards both democrats and republicans rallied around him and his popularity skyrocketed.

In the immediate aftermath of the attempt on Trump’s life, the Biden campaign stated they are pausing all television ads as quickly as possible, and there are also reports that the Democrats will no longer seek to replace Joe Biden, stating that it’s time for the country to stick together.

The reactions by some on the right are feeding into the extreme divisions that already exist in the country. For example, Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia called on the Republican district attorney in Butler County, PA, to “immediately file charges” against Biden for “inciting an assassination.”

Donald Trump Jr. posted on X, “Don’t tell me they didn’t know exactly what they were doing with this crap. Calling my dad a ‘dictator’ and a ‘threat to Democracy’ wasn’t some one off comment. It has been the *MAIN MESSAGE* of the Biden-Kamala campaign and Democrats across the country!!”

Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, who hopes to be Trump’s running mate, tweeted that the Biden campaign’s rhetoric about the threat Trump poses to democracy “led directly” to the attempted assassination. There was, of course, no mention of Trump’s rhetoric in either Vance’s comment, or that of Trump Jr.

We also had Elon Musk fully and publicly jumping on the Trump Train after the shooting, writing on X: “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery.” A few days back Musk also donated a large amount of money to a pro-Trump Super PAC.

Influential YouTuber and fighter Jake Paul, who has legions of young followers, tweeted: “If it isn’t apparent enough who God wants to win. When you try and kill God’s angels and saviors of the world it just makes them bigger.”

All of this has happened just a couple of days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee officially crowns Trump as their nominee. Coincidentally, there are several weather alerts for severe thunderstorms and even tornadoes during the convention.

But in the aftermath of the shooting, this will a Trump celebration. To quote Axios, “On the eve of a Republican National Convention built on themes of victimhood and political persecution, Trump came inches — literally — from martyrdom.” Trump has now officially become the conquering hero.

Trump, for his part, posted on Truth Social today the words “Unite America,” presumably meaning that he wants all Americans to unite behind him. This came just a few hours after his previous comment connected the assassination attempt to HIS fighting evil.

“In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win.”

All of this has, of course, deepened the divisions in a nation that was already a mixture of iron and clay; where Trump had already divided families and turned lifelong friends against each other. Those divisions are now increased exponentially with this attempt on his life.

So, how does all of this play into Bible prophecy, and the reference to a head wound? Let’s take a look at the verse which many of us thought about almost immediately after what happened. That verse is Revelation 13:3, and reads as follows:

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

There are 3 points I want to make regarding this verse.

First, notice that this verse says one of the 7 heads was wounded unto death. The 7 heads, in case you don’t know, represent 7 satanic kingdoms and kings down through history. The Antichrist, however, is NOT one of the 7 heads. Revelation 17:11 tells us that he is, in fact, the 8th king.

Second, the common perception that the Antichrist is brought back to life is NOT what the Bible says. Revelation 13:15 tells us that it’s the IMAGE of the beast that is given life, not the beast himself. This is an important distinction. The image of the beast is not the same things AS the beast.

Third, God alone has the power to bring life. There is nothing in the Bible stating that Satan has the ability to raise the dead. Thus, the reference to a deadly wound being healed can NOT be referring to a physical resurrection. Again, only God can give life, not Satan.

However, here is where it gets interesting. Revelation 17:11 also tells us that the 8th king is OF the 7, meaning that he is the culmination of all the previous kings. He echoes the character traits of the previous 7 kings to become the ultimate representation of Satan on earth.

Of those 7 heads on the beast that previously existed in history, one of them did indeed have a fatal head wound, and it was self-inflicted. That evil king and kingdom was Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany.

The 8th king, who is the Antichrist, shares the traits of the previous 7, but the deadly wound being healed is specifically a reference to the 7th king. It is THIS king who the Antichrist will most come to symbolize, even to the point of causing the world to wonder after him.

I believe that Trump’s head wound is a symbolic fulfillment of Rev 13:3, but is also a foreshadowing of a much more serious head wound to come. One that is connected to the image of the beast being made, and even to the prophesy of a darkened right eye and withered arm that we read about in Zachariah.

The bottom line on this is that, no, the Bible does NOT teach us that the Antichrist will have a fatal head wound and be brought back to life. Only God can resurrect the dead, not Satan.

But the Bible DOES teach us that the Antichrist is the 8th king, and that he is OF the 7, meaning that he will be the ultimate expression of Satan’s worldly kingdoms. This head wound to Trump is another way that the 8th king, the Antichrist, echoes the previous 7 kings, and specifically, the 7th king.

The Bible also teaches us that the Antichrist will succeed in all that he does, and in this case the Teflon Don literally just dodged a bullet, which – crazily enough – makes him stronger.

Just like what happened in 2016, every single thing is once again lining up for Donald J. Trump. ♦

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