Hi, everyone, thanks for watching this quick channel update. I just wanted to give an idea of some of the videos that are on the docket as we approach the quarter pole for the year – which certainly came in a hurry.
Now, of course we live in a crazy world, so there could be a news story or major event during April that pushes some of these back a bit. I’m also not going to put a specific date on these, as I often run behind schedule anyways, so it’s probably best that I don’t.
So in no particular order, here are the next 8 videos I’m planning, and most of these should be done in April:
- The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns, Part 3 – The third part of this series will take a look at the 7th head of the beast, and specifically identify the king and kingdom that the 7th head symbolizes. I’ll also go over why that 7th kingdom needed to exist for only a short time to make way for the emergence of the final 8th beast kingdom.
- Cold Blooded Sinning – In TV shows such as Dateline, crimes are often categorized as cold blooded, or planned in advance – and hot blooded, or crimes in the heat of the moment. In this video, I apply that concept to sinning, and take a look at how cold blooded sinning is more common than we realize, and what we can do about it.
- Rise of the Little Horn review – This video will take a look at the updated edition of the Rise of the Little Horn book by Jonathan Dane, which I had mentioned in a couple of older videos of mine. Hopefully most of you already have this book, but if not, you should definitely go get yourself a copy.
- Fables and Itching Ears: This video will look at how many Christians today are not only believing things that are not in the bible, but they are embracing ideas that aren’t even based on reality. We’re seemingly now in a time where truth has been thrown to the ground, and nearly everyone has their own version of reality.
- The Left Is Driving Many Americans Toward Trump – While it’s easy to focus on how the political right in this country is coalescing around Trump to bring him back into power – an equally and perhaps more powerful force is how far left policies are pushing many Americans into supporting Trump.
- Why Evangelicals are Blinded to Trump Being the Antichrist – There are five distinct blind spots that prevent Evangelicals from seeing the truth about Trump, and none of these five blind spots show any indication of disappearing anytime soon.
- The Case of the Missing Holy Spirit – In this video I’ll talk about how the letters or epistles in the New Testament omit the Holy Spirit from the salutations. We see greetings such as “Grace and peace unto you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”, but never a mention of the Holy Spirit. I’ll look at why that is, and to warn you up front, this particular video might be viewed as controversial by some of you.
- The Truth About Kim Clement’s Prophecy of Trump – Someone who is often referred to as a modern day prophet is Kim Clement, who gave a remarkable prophecy about Trump more than a decade ago. This video will take a closer look at Clement, and whether what he said in his various prophecies REALLY came from the Holy Spirit.
I also have 3 lengthier videos planned for this summer, such as dealing with whether the bible teaches eternal hellfire; a look at whether the bible teaches that the earth is flat; and an examination of aliens, demons and angels in the bible, and what role they might have in the end times.
That’s all for this short update, so thanks for watching. By the way, if any of you have a subject you’d like me to cover, please leave a suggestion in the comments below. I’d say my normal line about being respectful to everyone else on here, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t need repeating.
But, in case anyone watching this is new to my channel, please be respectful to others in your comments, especially toward those with whom you disagree. Have a good week and I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦
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