What if I’m Wrong About Trump?

It’s now been a little over 4 years since I started this channel about Donald Trump being the Antichrist. So far, I’ve made close to 450 videos during that time … counting a few that YouTube decided to delete for reasons unknown.

But to be clear, I’m not claiming to have been the first one to talk about Trump likely being the Antichrist, as several others have done so before I did, most notably Brother James Key, who was making videos on this topic for several years before I started.

But, as far as my own videos, the one question that comes up quite often is “will you apologize if it turns out that you’re wrong about Trump?”

Most often this question comes from die-hard Trump supporters who seemingly can accept that anyone might be the Antichrist, except for Donald J. Trump. He simply seems to have this strange hold over them, and the idea that he could be the Antichrist is a bridge too far.

However, there are also those who legitimately want to know what I’ll say if, one day, it turns out that Donald Trump is not the Antichrist after all.

The answer is yes, I would certainly apologize if I turn out to be wrong. I am not a prophet, and I have never claimed to be one. In fact, there have been things I was wrong about in my early videos, such as him winning the 2020 election.

So, yes, I will certainly apologize if I am wrong. But, here’s the thing.

It would be MORE wrong of me to stay silent on how he perfectly lines up with the biblical Antichrist. Especially knowing that no one else on the world scene is even close to matching ALL the descriptions.

It would be MORE wrong of me to sit idly by while millions of Christians follow this man down the road to perdition. To see them treat him like a savior, and to honor him and praise him above all others, without my saying anything.

It would be MORE wrong of me to pretend that it’s no big deal that the church is now emulating Trump. That Christians are now speaking in hateful ways just like he does, and how they have now embraced the things of this world, which he represents.

It would be MORE wrong of me to ignore the fact that the man who matches the biblical descriptions for the Antichrist magnifies himself above all others, and is constantly talking about bringing peace to the entire world.

As long as Donald Trump is around, and as long as he continues to perfectly match the biblical Antichrist, far more than anyone else on the world scene, then I will also continue to proclaim it as loudly as I can.

Thanks for watching, and I’ll be back soon with a longer video. ♦

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