Nearly all of us know the expression, “what would Jesus do?”, and are familiar with its abbreviation of WWJD. To many of us, it’s basically a reminder to consider how Jesus would handle a situation, and that we should also strive to do the same.
But I have a similar question for Trump supporters, especially those who believe that he is fighting evil, and that he is all about truth and justice. And that question is “what would Trump do?” And here’s what I mean.
What if Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the democrats started talking about how great Donald Trump is? How do you think Trump would respond?
The answer is obvious. Trump would soak in all of that praise, and immediately start softening his criticism of them – and very possibly start flattering them in return. Suddenly, they would no longer be the enemy.
To take it a step further, what if evangelical Christians started roundly criticizing him? What would Trump do?
We know the answer to this question. Trump would immediately lash back so fast your head would spin. He would bring up how disloyal they are, and how HE is the one who gave them what they wanted.
The reason I’m bringing up the WWTD question is because most Christians are somehow blind to the fact that everything Trump says or does is based on his ego – not a question of right or wrong.
This means that he is not fighting evil. He is fighting those who criticize HIM, or who have opposed HIM in some way. He is not a defender of the Christian faith. He is a defender of all-things Trump.
Underneath everything about Trump is the insatiable need to be praised, and he simply doesn’t care where that praise comes from, as long as he gets it.
So when it comes to doing what is good or what is evil, what would Trump do?
I think we know the answer. Whichever side praises him the most. ♦
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